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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default Some hits & another believer less is more (long)

    Ok I went uptown last night, giving that chic \"Sally\" a break, not much going on with her as long as she has that boyfriend attached at the hip.

    Got some good hits, I was wearing 2 drops of PI/m behind ears, homemade SOE, about 6\", left the roller at home, in the past I would keep reapplying. Also put 3 drops of chemset -nol & a drop or two of A1 in my hair gel (don\'t remember exactly) - come to think of it, this is what MUST have caused the OD, eh on -nol though? I thought you have to use extreme amounts of -nol to OD? Appearance last night, about a 7.5 - I think I top out at 8 out of 10, but my body would have to be prime for that, fortunately with the cold weather I can dress appropriately to hide that extra inch or two around the waste & I did hit the gym so my pecks were in erect shape [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Don\'t laugh I was actually looking for this girdle I got with this neoprene waste hugger (the hugger works real well, I sweat alot around the waste when I wear it when I hit the gym), couldn\'t find the girdle, but I looked pretty good nonetheless. I was wearing a maroon CK shirt, the kind that reflects black if you look at the texture, oh yeah & underneath my favorite black T-Shirt that says \"chics dig me\", I only unbutton the shirt to show the right ladies & it always gets me a chuckle, I tell them I feel like superman when I wear this T-Shirt, gives me all the confidence in the world, haheh - Anyway I digress...

    Before I get too deep, I need a translation on body language, I\'m talking to a hottie who is making good eye contact but she is blinking A LOT almost to the point that there is something in her eyes, what does this mean? Not looking away & not blinking out of insecurity of staring, just batting those eye lashes, I assume it\'s positive, question is how positive? I\'ll get back to her later.

    So me & my buddy who is in bad shape, only 6 hours of sleep combined for the past two nights (he\'s got a lay in the city & she\'s running him ragged) it doesn\'t help matters that his standards are a good notch or two below me & he\'s the one that usually makes first contact so I either have to back him up when he starts hitting on a group of 6\'s which I typically do in the early part of the night to build up that confidence & self-esteem or I can fly solo, but I don\'t like to leave him hanging so I\'ll generally help him select appropriate \"level\" targets to make a fool of himself at which he has no problems doing, & I just go in & try to save the day (ala bad cop / good cop). Last night though he was in rare form, it was as if he was already drunk without taking a drink from his sleep deprivation. Anyhow I digress again damn it!

    Hit #1, we\'re standing near the bar in a strategic location so that as girls enter & need a drink we can offer them some space to order. These two girls a 7 & 7.5, I\'d rate them, came in, we offered up some space they asked if that was our coat on the chair & we said no, they got their drinks & we kind of meandered off. Then one of them chased me down & asked me again, \"Hi was that your coat?\", I was suspicious that this was a hit so I played along, \"I said nah, why do you ask?\" And she just stood there smiling & said, \"Oh I dunno.\" Haheh so we started chatting, this was the 7 that approached me which I initially thought was the cuter of the two, & then as I\'m telling a story, right in the middle she kind of points over at her friend the 7.5 who is just staring at me, apparently my wingman crashed & burned fast last night, he was just standing there with nothing to say so we swapped conversation partners. Nothing happened, again my fault because I couldn\'t pull the trigger, it was less out of insecurity & more so because my wingman was embarrassing me - I could have worked one of them - either of them, but he was in such bad shape he left me trying to entertain both of them at the same time, which I\'m not really good at because if I\'m in hookup mode I like to focus on ONLY 1 target. Later in the evening I told my wingman he HAS to get more sleep during the week if he wants to work chics with me because I can only cover for him so much, he was pretty groggy & said, \"whatever.\"

    We go to the bar next door, night & day difference between these two places, first place we were at was larger, crowded, expensive, almost a snobby elite attitude too, 2nd place you cannot get any more blue collar & virtually empty, we just wanted a good game of pool anyhow & I know this hottie who told me she hangs there sometimes as she lives in the neighborhood so I gave it a flyer (she\'s the one that I mentioned early in batting her eyes). Turns out she was there by the pool table sitting at a table, I didn\'t recognize her at first (can\'t see too well with out my glasses). We get into a little argument with these two tools playing pool so the pair of girls sat at the bar on the otherside away from us. We play our game & as we are walking out I said that she looked familiar & turns out it was her, so we chat for a bit, her friend was pretty quiet, I\'d rank these two an 8 & a 6. Seems like I got good initial hits from the 8, but then she started sneezing, didn\'t think I\'d OD on the amounts I used, but apparently I can get away with less. Again I didn\'t close the deal here either, I need to put myself into the right mindset I guess. I did ask what they were doing for the big game on Sunday, but wasn\'t successful inviting them to this party we were hitting in the city.

    This group of older people, early 40\'s as a guess were sitting at a table nearby with the most adorable dog so I went over to pet the dog & chatted with them a little bit (hoping my wingman could hold his own for a minute or two with the inital targets). There\'s two older women at the table & they are flipping their hair at me like crazy, what is it with older women, sounds like a freaking OD to me, ugh. So I go back to the 8 & the 6 & my wingman is sitting by himself next to them not engaging them in conversation - doh! Another crash & burn by him so I go back to chat with the targets a little while longer & then we take off.

    The point of this thread again, LESS IS MORE. Tonight I intend to put a single drop of A1 in hair gel (no more chemset -nol), split a drop of PI/m for my ears & then maybe 4\" of SOE mix. I also was wearing Axe (Voodoo) deoderant under pits & then sprayed on pant legs & across shirt chest & used Realm/m as a cover.

    Almost forgot, the 7 & 7.5 we initially spoke to, the 7.5 actually worked in advertising for a perfume company, I started a conversation about pheromones which was going pretty well, but my wingman was killing me.

    Any advice out there when approaching groups of ladies solo? Or even just advice when there is a pair, it\'s tough to focus on just one because she\'ll inevitably be concerned about her girlfriend, I guess the key is just to make contact, make a good impression, get the number & then get out of there, on to the next target? Also I had an idea regarding the 8 & 6 at the blue collar bar, they both had their phones on display on the bar, I thought of this today, is it cheezy to compliment them on their phone & then call my cell phone to capture their number? I guess that\'s the coward\'s way to get their number & they may not be as receptive when I do call them, after I capture the number, I could always look dumb founded like, \"Oh hey here\'s your number.\" & ask them if they mind if I call them sometime, but I guess that\'s a little pushy?

    Sorry for the rambling & the variety of questions, a lot is on my mind.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Some hits & another believer less is more (lon

    bivonic, you\'re SO MONEY.

  3. #3
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some hits & another believer less is more (lon

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img][img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img][img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] He\'s a swinger, all right

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Some hits & another believer less is more (lon

    \"Turns out she was there by the pool table sitting at a table, I didn\'t recognize her at first (can\'t see too well with out my glasses).\"

    LOL, That sounds sooo familiar.... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img]

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Some hits & another believer less is more (lon

    How do you capture someone\'s cell phone number?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Some hits & another believer less is more (lon

    caller ID, also if you are real familiar with their phone, you can hit the right combination of keys & their number will magically appear, that\'s how I originally got the number from Sally, she had the popular motorola star tak (sp?) & if you hit two buttons it display\'s the user\'s phone number something & the number key if I remember correctly.

  7. #7
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some hits & another believer less is more (lon

    Are you going to Sally\'s bar tonight?

  8. #8
    Phero Pro
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    Default Live from NY it\'s Saturday Night!

    << Are you going to Sally\'s bar tonight? >>

    I\'m going to pop in all decked out & talk to the bouncer that I\'m good friends with, I won\'t even scope her out, maybe a quick glance to see if she sees me & then we are heading around the corner to this other bar that has a smoking hot waitress (this one\'s a blonde) who ALSO has a boyfriend, plus she\'s even younger then Sally. Sally is 25 & \"Hiedi\" is 22 if I remember correctly but I was getting serious attention from Hiedi from my \'mones & last time I saw her we had a nice sustained conversation from about 5 inches away where her eyes weren\'t just fixated on mine they were roaming all over my face including my lips! Yeah Baby! But that is just another pit stop, final destination, assuming we can bare the cold or maybe it gets a few degress ABOVE freezing we will hit the city, my wing went to this bar in Chelsea (somewhat gay district) with his lay last week & he found this gem of a bar that had cheap drinks (that alone is reason enough), lots of hot women from FIT (F = Fashion) & the only guys in there were skin flute players. Hopefully we can time our entrance right, since there\'s one thing I\'ve learned about the city scene & it\'s timing is EVERYTHING. Should be fun.

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Some hits & another believer less is more (lon

    And swingers get the most action remember because they are out there ringing up chances for some action.

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