I covered the topic of how much SOE to use and how to apply it in a recent thread--still available if you have questions.

Glad to hear from travis on his experiences. I thoroughly agree that anecdotal evidence means more that scientific data.

When I first tried SOE in a social/barroom situation, I didn\'t spend enough time with any particular woman to see if the effect built up over time, and must conclude that the effect was fairly immediate. But there were several women who keep coming back to smell my neck (and one who bit me twice on the neck in the process--very annoying).

And I didn\'t announce to everyone that I had pheromones--though I didn\'t try to conceal the fact that I was experimenting, either. It probably was about 50/50 in the bar the first night, and more like 30% knew and 70% didn\'t on the second night, where I had similar effects.

Was doing some shopping at various small storefront places earlier that Saturday, after initial experiences on Friday night. Lots of helpful young ladies; all smiles. Could have been just the small town atmosphere and the fact that I was new to the town--about 20 miles from where I live. But, then again, I\'m 50 years old which makes any attention from young girls somewhat unusual. Women my own age are usually courteous, with a few usually showing interest whether or not I\'ve been wearing a fragrance. But, the young girls are different--usually not a second glance and rarely a smile. I think the SOE made a difference.

Best reports will come from others, though. Anything I say will be biased, despite trying to portray an accurate picture of results.