Nada, Nil, ZILCH at work


Rubbed some more pheromone oil into my hair after work, and went to the grocery store. Got quite a few

evil eyes from guys walking around with women, but no unusal reaction from single women. Got one major reaction

from a fity-ish looking man walking around with a twenty-ish looking young girl. The dude seemed very nervous,

watched me very closely - I passed them twice in the store, she said Hi to me, and he kept eyeballing me when I

checked out two aisles away AND watched me get into my car (kept looking over his shoulder and they were three cars

So either I just discovered the amount I need to use, or it only gets the obvious attention of protective

males. I'm guessing I somehow triggered aggression, but didn't notice anything other type of reaction. I also

suppose the girl saying hello could have been a reaction, but it seemed pretty innocuous.

I was wearing jeans

and an untucked button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, so it's not like I was dressed like a thug.


also considered that i might be getting these reactions because I've been observing people very closely, but I

don't think i'm being obvious about it. For example I listen closely to all of the conversations going on around

me, but I'm not looking at people as they speak in the background. I'm also paying attention to peoples body

language a bit more than i usually do, but I don't think that's it.

I think this stuff does work, but you

have to wear a ton of it because it's such a low concentration compared to the PI & APC sold on THIs site.