Hey Pete,
lol, I know how

taxes can be. This is the first year I'm giving it to an accountant and I'm still lagging on giving him all the

paperwork to do it. . Last year I had easier taxes to do, and didn't start until April 15 at 3pm and

got them to the post office by 7pm! Woo hoo!
Cool to see the mones working for you. Sometimes I want

responses from every person I see and sometimes I get a good percentage, so cool. . You were saying you got

them with girl but not at mall or work, sure you know this from faq and other sources on the site, but just in case,

sometimes mones take longer to work on some people and work better when you are closer to the person. Could be why

you had that experience. Even knowing the approximate month would help, I'll wait to hear from CPTKiptling too, to

know whether he's gonna give edits to post that survey or just wait on the database. Take care guys.