Crucial issues. Great work!

Three drops of NPA is generally considered to be an OD, or close to it. That is part of the problem, perhaps.

Mones seem to have perhaps a 1.5 day half-life on the body, but that is just a guess. There are also conversions, the most dangerous of which come from -nol, as far as I can tell. If you wear -nol, your none wont reduce as much over time, as conversions from -nol replace it. -Nol also converts to at least one other major smelly-ass pherochemical, a chemical not too dissimilar to the Edge\'s secret ingredient ( I speak only for myself). So in general, when reapplying over time it is best to increasingly emphasize mones subject to greatest conversion; i.e., -nol and A1 (and WAGG too, probably).

<font color=\"blue\">The practical implication here is:

1. Whenever you notice indifference, repulsion, or fear, STOP APPLYING MONES until your hits go up, max out, and then start to fall (might be a few days). I often refrain from soap-bathing and deodorants (except EO\'s) during this period to make it \"more fun\" to deal with the buildup and conversions.

2. Then shower, exfoliate, soap thoroughly, and take a sweaty sauna for at least 30 minutes. A vigorous exercise session can be substituted for the sauna. The next time you apply, you typically have great reactions! Step two can be used effectively by itself, in a pinch; but the sauna/exfoliation part is always crucial!</font>

I encourage folks to try this method.

What else does your journal suggest????