Cool post, I have a lot of

respect for someone about to remake themselves.

I'd definitely focus on cutting the body fat down (you say you

know what you're doing so I'll leave that be) and improving your look. With fashion its important to know what you

are aiming at, otherwise you end up with a weird mish-mash of different things. Start to pay attention to what YOU

think looks cool on other people (preferably guys, but I'm not judging ), and then try to emulate it. If you get

stuck, make some female friends and ask them for help! I've never had a girl turn that down.

As far as "game"

goes, again it's important to decide what you want.

Same deal with pheromones, but there is no danger in

getting that free sample gels available from LS. It would help to describe how things go when you are talking to

women you are interested in and what specific problems you think you have.