Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
The smell

will be close to the same and very recognizable as Pheros; maybe a tad bit smoother and

Thank you Doctor,
I appreciate all your quality input and information.
Chammomile tea and

valarian do what they are supposed to to me. Make me relaxed and drowsy. I am not really sensative to them. They

just do what they are supposed to. They don't make me so drowsy I cannot keep my head up or even drive if I have

to but they do their job. So no I am not hypersensative to those that I know of and I have tried them many times in

tea. I even used to have valarian drops.
Maybe you should skip the valarian and chammomile and a few others that

act as a sedative next time since half the people seem to think it makes them tired or drowsey. . I like being

relaxed but not tired you know. Good thoughts you had in trying it though. I think if you added pheromones that

mimic's SOE close, confident, openess -just not as heavy smelling as SOE- and added just a touch of Nol in there

for a bit of a sexual undertone and eliminate the sedative, relaxants that seem to make it make you feel tired and a

little drowsey through proper testing on a number of people ......... Pheros would be killer. I think it would be

the best by far. It would have it all. -minus the tired-drowsey effect many seem to be getting with it now plus the

benefits of SOE just not quite as strong and heavy. SOE sits so heavy. I would make it only 65% of that with a 10%

nol additive for the sexual spark. that would be the best through proper human testing. It would have it all.

Great exotic, inticing, erotic smell through many natural aphrodisiac herbs, oils, and spices.
2. SOE openess,

trusting, confident, chatty feel good vibe.
3. just A touch of nol for sexual stimuli.
-Without the

tired-drowsey effect anymore- Nothing beats it!