Thanks for the advice guys, I

really appreciate it.

Well I just got back from work while using the perception sample packet.

I applied about

1/2-3/4 of the pack on my wrists, and a bit on my chest being as I'm somewhat tall, I didn't want to go for the

neck again as it won't do much good with people generally shorter than that.

I then covered it a bit with some

Calvin Klein Obsession cologne...big mistake...

I generally don't use cologne too often, most of the time I go

with deodorant gel sticks and then some axe/tag body spray as the scent isn't nearly as strong but still works for

me throughout the day. Needless to say, I now remember why I don't wear cologne to often. I generally tend to sweat

after getting even just a little bit hot, overworked, nervous, etc, so that combined with an already somewhat strong

cologne isn't that great of an idea.

However, I think I may have noticed some differences at work. One of my

coworkers who is slightly younger then me seemed a little more open to me I guess I would say. We already don't

talk all that much, and it's not like we had a 10minute conversation today, but I did notice she approached me a

few more times and as we were all closing up the building at the end of the night, generally everyone is spread out

waiting to leave, but she was standing closer to me then normal as we were all waiting.

Also I noticed about

maybe 1/3 of the women that came near me or walked passed me inhaled through the nose as if they smelled something

interesting I would say. None of them really sniffed and then walked away quickly or sneezed afterwards so I don't

think it was from strong smelling cologne or allergies or anything else of that nature.

I wouldn't call either

two of these incidents "hits" as they may just be coincidences or they may be happening before but now I'm just

making mental note of them.

However, as I was putting away some cds, I noticed these two fairly young girls, no

more than 16 years old, walking slowly, somewhat clueless I would say. After putting away the cds, I went to the

other side of the library to put some books away where I noticed they were slowly working their way towards me.

After a few minutes, one came up and asked me to help find her a book, which she could have easily asked any one of

the adults working at the information desks that she passed.

Again, I wouldn't necessarily call this a "hit"

either as her age was a little young and I'm not sure if these products would even work at that age, and it might

be possible that she just felt more comfortable asking another teenager walking around then going up to a desk and

asking a 40+ year old women for help.

I think I might just lay off the products for work, as most of my coworkers

aren't even in my age bracket, and the ones that are, I'm only attracted to maybe 1-2 of them. Plus I wouldn't

expect to get any hits from any other person as most teens that come in there are usually with family or wouldn't

start chatting it up with someone working in a place that is supposed to be quiet.

Well tomorrow's test will be

using SoE by itself for school, as obviously there is about 1000% increase in the amount of women in my age group.

And I will also try using body spray instead of cologne as cologne just seems to heavy for me and doesn't usually

work well for me too often.

I'm sure I'm just imagining the strength of the cologne, but why wear it if it just

makes me that much more uncomfortable?