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Thread: a greater test

  1. #1
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default a greater test

    While some folks are no doubt curious about whether PI can be used to destroy one’s marriage, it seems a lot of guys are wondering how to combine the seductive power of SOE with the raw sex appeal of Androstenone.

    So here’s what I’m testing: four parts -nol to one part -none in a .5 mg pheros/ml solution. Never mind the theory. I’m taking an intuitive approach.

    So far I’ve got a good feeling about this mix. Or maybe it’s the phero buzz: a perfect combination of androstenone confidence and androstenol loopiness.

    It’s already passed the Friendly Guy test: a light-hearted conversation with my typically sullen neighbor and a “howya doing” by some stranger at the supermarket. It’s passed the Nice Hits From Cute Girls test: smiles and glances at the same supermarket. It’s passed the Not Too Rough For Young Asian Noses test: lots of attention and flirty smiles from my waitress at a Japanese restaurant. And now I’m off to try the Let’s Talk, I Can Make You Laugh and (if the right girl shows up) Let’s Get Together Some Time tests at a bookstore. After that I’ll probably try the Wonder What Would Happen If I OD’d test.

    If this wasn’t a work night, I’d try the Can I Get Laid Before Ghostclown test, but some things take precedence.

    Wish me luck.

  2. #2

    Default Re: a greater test

    Why no -rone?

    Btw, I\'m sure you get alot more action than ghosttown... personally, I wouldn\'t even compair myself to him.

  3. #3
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: a greater test

    Yea, why no -rone? How could you trample on my scientifically based (or is that biased) feelings so casually? [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: a greater test

    Hey bro, I like your style man. lol I seems that you got the perfect and unbiased personality to test these pheros. YOUR ACTUALLY TALKING TO GIRLS!!! Also you have a lot of places to test the different aspects of pheros, and lots of different kinds of people.
    But I was going to ask the same thing: Why no rone? Because your mix will just be something like Attraction. Test this mix out thoroughly , even for alpha-male responses on men, and then add some RONE up in there to see how it alters mentallities. I think RONE will make the whole pheromone signature much more natural since you would be packing all of the pheros, well most pheros (I\'m not going to get into andros-something-tein or whatever else is patented by Realm or only known by professionals. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: a greater test

    So are you planning to use the mix at a dose of approximately 0.02 mg -none and 0.08 mg -nol? That would be interesting.

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: a greater test

    Back to the drawing board. (Or maybe a second round of testing this weekend.)

    I had such a good feeling with three dabs that I didn’t think it would hurt to add one more dab before hitting the bookstore. Turns out I had way fewer hits and a lukewarm response when I tried talking to a girl in the fiction section. (Or maybe it was her personality. She was looking for a book that would make her cry.)

    Oh well. No harm done.

    No objective reason for no -rone. I personally don’t like what it adds to the phero buzz. A sort of lethargic feeling that I get after wearing it a while. Also I was thinking about the string that discussed concentration of pheros in sweat, and -rone wasn’t listed, so I thought it wasn’t essential.

    Then there’s this sort of authority figure vibe that I seem to give off when I wear it, which is great for work but I could do without in social situations.

    Like I said, I’m going on intuition, not science.

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: a greater test

    Nothing personal. Besides, it seems like I could be inadvertently proving your theories.

    Thanks for the encouragement. Girls are actually fun to talk to. More guys should try it.

    I seemed to get good reactions with three dabs out of a 3ml bottle (same size as the ones in the kit). Don’t know what that works out to in mg’s.

  8. #8

    Default Re: a greater test

    Well, according to the study on phero concentration in sweat, there was only low concentrations of -nol.

    -none and -dienone were highest in sweat.

  9. #9

    Default Re: a greater test

    Your welcome aka. You\'re right about it being fun to talk w/ girls. But what is the most fun is flirting w/ girls. The teasing and everything is just great. The best is flirting w/ girls while driving. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] I used to be a driver for Papa John\'s Pizza and I mastered the art of driving and flirting hehe. Its beautiful. Damn now I\'m excited and hungry LOL. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Oh and truth, I think the phero-sweat article was talking about sweat in scared people or adrenalin based sweat not aroused and passionate-about-to-get freaky sweat lol.
    Im just havin too much fun or maybe its that i serously need to go to sleep. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    Take care people.

  10. #10

    Default Re: a greater test

    Along my same thinking SOE with a small amount of alter ego added say 3 parts soe to 1 part alter ego could work well as well or you could use the breakdown effect of SOE to your advantage as well or SOE with a small spray of Andro 4.2 to make it interesting.

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: a greater test

    Well I wore the stuff to work today. Started out with two dabs on the neck and added a third dab on my wrists after lunch.

    Guys were very friendly and upbeat. Girls were a bit flirtier, but their body language was also a bit more distant than with SOE. It’s hard to say with the work environment. It’s also hard to say how much can be attributed to the effects of pheros on others, because this formula puts me in such a good mood. (Maybe I\'ve stumbled on a girl formula because guys where REALY friendly. Lots of back slapping, shoulder punching and other male bonding behavior.)

    Got invited to some happy hour get-togethers but I already had plans. So I’m going to take a shower and see how this formula plays at a local jazz club. I’ll be going with some friends (mixed crowd, but all the fems are taken), and I haven’t met many single girls there in the past, but I told some ladies from my office building they should drop by — so there might be some good opportunities. If not, there’s always tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend.


    You’re right. And, in the past, all my successful formulas have been high in -none. But then along came SOE and all my assumptions got scrambled. It doesn’t have ANY -none. It’s high in -nol (the supposed fem phero). And it works great.

    I used to be the biggest flirt, but women never took me seriously. Since using pheros, I’ve had to tone way down because (for better or worse) they all think I’m hitting on them. (Hmmmm... But maybe things would be different without -none.)

    Sounds good in theory, but when I add Andro to SOE I get too much tension from the girls. That’s why I’m wondering if the combo of -none + -rone might be the problem. Although it seems to work fine at really low concentrations of -rone: like about .07mg/ml -none + .007mg/ml -rone. So my next so-called experiment might be 8parts -nol: 1 part -none : 1 part -rone. (Don’t ask me why. I’m no scientist.)

  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: a greater test

    Well, I tested my new mix (4-nol:1-none at .5mg/ml) at a jazz club, a dive bar, a coffeeshop, a department store, and a pet store. My feeling is that it works well, but it’s no substitute for SOE.

    Here’s the score:
    Hits = my mix wins
    Friendly guys = my mix by a longshot
    Phero buzz = my mix wins again, but that’s subjective
    OD potential= one dab above effective dose is enough to kill most of the attractive power of my mix, I’ve gone out with triple the effective dose of SOE and got many positive reactions (only a handful of negative reactions)
    Friendly girls = SOE wins by a margin
    Flirty girls = my mix wins
    Talkative girls = seems even
    Girls that laugh at my stupid jokes = even
    Girls getting close, touching me, leaning into me, etc. = SOE by a longshot
    Girls that latch onto you and don’t want you to go = SOE, no contest
    Aphrodesia = further testing required [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    Conclusion: There is no perfect mix.

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