Day one.

NPA and APC havn\'t arrived yet, so I\'m just messing with SOE today. I rolled on 3 inches to each side of my neck,
one inch to each wrist, and 1 inch behind each ear. I don\'t know if this is a -nol OD or what, but I was sniffling a little bit
as I left the house. I must have wreaked of the stuff for the first hour or so, but it definitely wasn\'t a bad smell, just a little strong
if it\'s on you. It\'s kind of got this wierd mixture of ammonia and sassafrass type smell to it. Pleasent, but can be a little sharp.

I went to go see \"Head Of State\" with Chris Rock in it and havn\'t really noticed any reactions while at the theatre, but then there really
isn\'t much reason to expect to notice much there. You sit in a seat in a dark room, you leave. Ok.

After that, I left to head over to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. Here\'s where I think i started to notice stuff. It was affecting ME!

I felt more confident and outgoing. Just generally relaxed. Talking to the hostess at the door, or anyone else for that matter, came easily, smoothly, and generally just seemed
kind of more effortless. If I had to equivocate this sensation to people, it would be something like this:

You kind of feel like you\'re everyone\'s boss (the speaker) and you\'re telling your employees(whoever you\'re speaking with) what they need to do. As if you\'ve known them for a while and you
have absolutely no need to feel even a trace of apprehension when you\'re speaking to them. I hope this makes sense.

Also, I feel like my behaviour was more assertive than usual. When I walked into the resteraunt, I was told there was about an hour and 10 minute wait to be seated (typical Outback Steakhouse on a Saturday evening).
You are (for those have been) as you may know allowed to just grab any seat or booth in the vincinity of the bar, first come first serve. So if you see an open table/bar stool, or one about to be open, you just snag that and you\'ve just saved an hour of your time =)
Normally I\'m somewhat hesitant about hunting down and claiming a spot in the bar, but this time (i don\'t know if it\'s the -mones or what) I just spotted a table opening up, and then walked right up and claimed it as if I do it all the time (believe me, i usually don\'t).

My waiter:

Some dude. Damn. Figures, but oh well, let\'s see what\'s up here anyway. Now I don\'t know this guy. I don\'t know if this was just an extremely friendly guy or just a very good waiter or what, but this dude was treating me like a motherf*ckin king! The kind of way you\'re treated when someone has
some sort of reason to respect for you. Again, it was kind of that feeling like I was his personal boss or something.

One might think though that since he was my waiter, this should not be anything out of the ordinary, right? Not neccessarily. I mean usually your server is friendly, but you always kind of get that lingering vibe that it\'s just because they have to be or because they\'re gunning for a fat tip. This just seemed strangely different, i dunno. I am aware of the possible placebo effect here, and yet I don\'t think I can come to a clear decision as to rather this was a placebo effect or a hit. I think that with more expreiences it will be more clear to me, so I guess you should just take from this what you will for the moment.

Until next time.. Peace