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  1. #1

    Default Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    T_BONE and marv14yag have both proclaimed that having high testosterone levels is incredibly effective for producing hits. The question is: how can a person who does not really need testosterone boost his levels through any and all means, save by direct injection. My goal is to get my body to produce as much testosterone as possible. I\'ve read several things in the forums about how to do this: (please correct me if i\'m wrong and please add anything I\'ve left out)

    1. Copulins naturally boosts male test levels. So, buying a cop product and say, putting it on your pillow at night before you go to sleep is an effective way to boost?

    2. DHEA in a 5mg? (marv14yag says he takes 25mg but is there a high T/E conversion with that, which leads to problems down the road??) dose per day regiment will help boost test production?

    3. Exercising, especially weight lifting w/ legs, helps boost test levels?

    4. Engaging in sexual activity, be it alone or with someone else, helps boost test levels?

    Please add/revise this list!!

    And SonnyBlack, you mentioned Tribulus. What does this do?

    Hopefully after a couple of pages on this thread, we can formulate a definite guide :-)

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    It may be benificial...but why all the effort ?
    Just put on mones [-none -rone] and u have the same kind of aura a high testo dude would have....thats the idea behind using them in the first place. Somebody who has high testo , also has high -rone levels naturally....but the stuff u get here @ love-scent is many times stronger than anybodys natural levels of pheros.

    Don\'t know about Copulins....they do seem increase testo levels...but how much would that be ? 1% 10% ??? Worth the trouble , I don\'t think so...

    Exercising will increase your testo levels , but will also deplete them.....So there will be times where u will be low on testo [directly after training , when its depleted] and u will be very high on it....1-2 days after workout , when u supercompensate....

    4.\" Engaging in sexual activity, be it alone or with someone else, helps boost test levels?

    HELL YEAH ! unless u jerk off too often and thus deplete ur teso levels and ur bio energy....

    Tribulus will not increase ur testo levels , but it is very good for leveling them to a normal level....
    Bodybuilders do that after steroid usage....

    Oh and tribulus is like natural viagra...u will produce much more semen ..and u will have very quick erections....

    So seriously , just stick to using + experimenting with pheros

  3. #3
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    Add weight loss to maintain a 1.0 waist to hip ratio, and getting a good sun tan. Fat tissue converts hormones; sunlight increases vitamin D production, which has been shown to increase testosterone in t-deficient rats. Darker skin tone is more attractive to ovulating women; the 1.0 waist to hip ratio has cross-cultural appeal, as does the 0.7 in women.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    Actually Tribulus does increase your testosterone levels. I use it for bodybuilding purposes and it works for me. Lots of bodybuilders stack it with Andro. I don\'t however. Tribulus makes your body produce more lutenizing hormone. In other words, it is telling your pitutary gland to produce more testosterone. This is why many bodybuilders stack it with andro. because andro is material that converts to testosterone in the body but some of it may not necessarily convert. The tribulus helps more of the andro convert. Tribulus DEFINATELY gives your libido a boost. Makes your erections ROCK hard. The way I am with just Tribulus, i couldn\'t imagine stacking it with andro. I might have a 24hr erection. Tribulus does also normalize your test levels after steroid usage as i have heard that numerous places. Don\'t know from experience since i have never used steriods.

    As for cops I keep reading that a guy\'s test level will increase 150% after 15 min of exposure. Well something I have tried a few times is put some under my nose (PCC) before I lift. However I haven\'t done it that many times enough to know if it works and as of right now, i keep forgetting to apply it beforee i lift.


  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    I want also to increase my testosterone level so that i can have more muscles. I am a thin asian guy and i want some muscles. Even if i eat so many foods, my muscles still wont grow bigger. I think that steroids and hormones can do this but i dont want to take steroids because of the nasty side effects. What else can i do to accelerate muscle build up. By the way i am already 25 yrs. old

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    You want some muscles ? Forget about steroids/tribulus...

    You need to get your diet right !
    Bodybuilding is 50% weightlifting 50% diet.

    Muscles don\'t grow while exercising , they grow while regenerating and if u give them something to grow from ------> lots of protein + carbohydrates....
    Carbos deliver the energy needed for training and a high protein intake makes sure , that your muscles will feed on protein , and not your body feeding on the muscles.

    If you really want to supplement , then do it with Magnesium + Zink....products like ZMA .
    Also drink alot of water daily , even if you are not thirsty..

    + Instead of eating 3 meals daily , try to eat 6 - 7 smaller meals.....and make sure u eat lots of protein ,)

  7. #7
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    Carbs and sugars are also important for actualy protien synthesis and cell division.

    My list:

    ZMA - contains the metabolites of test.

    DHEA (up to 10mg per day, i think) - Absolutely essential for almost everything, DNA synthesis, protien synthesis, healthy metabolism... the list goes on. It is also the grand-daddy of all the major hormones and ardogens, including Test. I\'m also thinking of taking a portion of my intake sublingually, as per the Doc\'s advice. Taking MSM will convert some of your DHEA into DHEA-S, the more abundant form, which (curiously) I read was related to breast development (in females).

    Tribulus - Mentioned earlier

    Ginseng - Similar to tribulus.

    Horny Goat Weed - Watchers Favourite, again similar to trib.

    Creatine - Not heard very much about it, but I think it help in the anabolic process, help anyone?

    Healthy Diet - The most important factor. Good balance of fruit, veg, meat (white, red...), eggs (MSM), and milk. Also a good vitamin supp.

    Water - Lots of it. Ok not that much, but you get the idea.

    Sleep - This is when most growth/repair occurs, and is generally good for you.

    Exersize - A rounded exercize regimen.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    <<Creatine - Not heard very much about it, but I think it help in the anabolic process, help anyone? >>

    From what I understand it aids in the repairing of muscle tissue, not sure if it has any other functions. When I take creatine I have to really go over the edge in my workout in order to feel any soreness in my muscles & when I do I realize I did too much.

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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    \"Exersize - A rounded exercize regimen.\"

    Are you a native english speaker? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    (Sorry, I just got to be an ass every now and then)


  10. #10
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level


    no problem Franki, I caught that in the preview but thought, nah. I knew someone would call me on that!

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    Creatine gives muscles more energy, delays muscle fatigue, as well as helping your muscles retain some water. When you lift, ATP (reeady to use energy) in your muscles converts to ADP (used up energy which causes soreness and fatigue). The creatine helps convert the ADP back into ATP thus helping you to lift a little heavier and pump out more reps and sets before you are done.

    FerroMone: If i am hearing you right, sounds like you are skinny and it is hard for you to gain muscle as a result of a high metabolism. You must increase your protein and carb intake.

    CptK: I don\'t think that Ginseng is similar to Tribulus, i think they perform two totally different functions.

    Also I have taken ZMA and didn\'t notice too much of a result, although maybe i was expecting too much from it. I think in my mind it suffered from \"creatine envy\" because creatine gives u such great immediate results. ZMA\'s purpose isn\'t really supposed to do that.


  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    zma raises your natural free testosterone levels only if you are deficient in zinc....

  13. #13
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    \"CptK: I don\'t think that Ginseng is similar to Tribulus, i think they perform two totally different functions.\"

    Fair enough, but they both boost T levels, right? How do they differ?

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    don\'t be afraid of fats. Fats are essiential in the hormone creation process -- chloestrol is THE precursor. And if your looking for calories (and if your a skinny guy you need LOTS of calories) then I suggest all-natural peanut butter. It is loaded with mono-unsaturated fats, and I hear that it aids with test levels. two tablespoons has about 150 calories. And I love to slice an apple up and dip it in the peanut butter(which adds a good amount of fiber to this snack also). And make sure you get some poly-unsaturated fat (there is plenty in asian diets) which you get mainly from fish. and remember not all carbs are created equal, but since your a skinny guy you should not have to worry about the carbs makin you fat.

    ZMA is great IMO. Since I started taking it my length of time of my soreness has seriously gone done, and I am always trying to go heavy.

    As far as workouts go -- heavy compound lifts with weights. Deadlifts, squats, benches (esp inclines), miltary press, rows, etc....

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    I am just at this very moment eating a slice bread with peanut butter. Yummy! Great for when you want to gain a little bit of weight.

    As a teenager I used to be very thin, to the point it was unhealthy. (155 lbs at 6\'4\" when I was 15), now I am at a healthy weight due to eating lots of pasta (spaghetti) and bread with peanut butter, drinking lots of milk and working out. lol

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    I hear some talk of DHEA, I was wondering if DHEA aided in the prevention or repairing of male pattern baldness by stopping the production of a majority of the DHT in one\'s body, is this true at all?

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    I would be very wary of using DHEA under 30 years of age with all its dangers.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    i was thinking of DHEA, but decided against it because I am so young. Are there any young guys taking it?

  19. #19
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    Well there is Bart, and I\'m thinking of giving it a cautious whirl at 10mg per day.

    But it think it will definately help older guys, in fact I\'m thinking of buying some for my Grandad to help him out (he\'s in pretty bad shape, no real illness\', just general decline.)

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    Actually , what are these bad side effects ?
    I am 20 years old , and so far I think I don\'t need it , because my own DHEA production should be alright @ this age.

    However , after reading about all the good effects of it on older people, I bought a 1-year-supply of it for my dear mother [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    The question is : Do I need it too ? Would it aid me in my sport / training .....or am I to young yet.

    Any studys or proven info on this one ?

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Levels

    CptK: I don\'t think ginseng boost test levels. I think it just gives you more energy but not as a result of boosting test levels.


  22. #22
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    if a young dude wants to go with DHEA he(you in this case) might wanna think of using the 5mg tabs, ya can always double that later if you need to , which i bet you won\'t, even at my age 10mg is making a impact.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    I was thinking of trying it out on 5mg a day I am some what worried of male pattern baldness (DHT limiting in DHEA) as it seems to run in my family at a young age.

    I am not sure of the side effects of me 17 taking 5mg or less a day though, I have alot of educated research to do.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    I was thinking of trying it out on 5mg a day I am some what worried of male pattern baldness (DHT limiting in DHEA) as it seems to run in my family at a young age.

    I am not sure of the side effects of me 17 taking 5mg or less a day though, I have alot of educated research to do.

  25. #25
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    I think DHEA is a waste if you are in your 20\'s.

  26. #26
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    It might make baldness worse for some people. DHEA eventually can be converted to DHT.

  27. #27
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    agreed, anyone under 30 need to do some serious thinking before using DHEA from everything i have able to find in researching it.(they really should have no need of it before then less they have a medical problem)

  28. #28
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Guide To Naturally Boosting Testosterone Level

    Ok wolfe I\'ll take your advice.

    It\'s been hard to find some 5mg tabs though...

  29. #29
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5mg


    Thanks Doc, thats great.

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