Gegogi & WorkingMann,

i agree

with you both.

Gegogi, you are right about me being a law student.

you both summarized everything i was trying

to say a lot better than i did. haha here i am trying to be a lawyer & i can't even communicate very


i definitely didn't think things through clearly before trying out A314 at work. for example, i didn't

think about my "position" at the workplace. i'm pretty clueless about social interactions even though i'm

in my late 30's. i was thinking that A314 would help create a rapport between myself & my supervisor, but failed to

judge whether she was an insecure person or not. so congruency (i.e. my persona and/or position -- in this case both

-- not coinciding with my vibe or "aura") + a target's insecurities, resulted in bad reactions. haha.


problem (with the incident with my supervisor that i mentioned) is that i was clearly wrong in thinking that we

could advise the client on the particular matter. i didn't mind being wrong, but i didn't understand why we

couldn't advise the client. unfortunately the supervisor took it as a challenge to her authority. i should have

thrown her a bone by saying "i'm not questioning your decision" and then asked "why", but i

didn't think of it at the time. live & learn.

i got great reactions out of the support staff & some fellow

interns, though. but again, position.

WorkingMann, i understood your post. i sort of tried A314 on its own

for a bit. i say "sort of" b/c i always add a bit of A1 to be on the safe side. my problem (in addition to being

socially clueless) is that i get a bit impatient. i definitely have to try these newer products on their own for

a longer period of time.

as for the happy hour, i was trying to be social & friendly; instead of my usual quiet &

keep to myself type of person. in hindsight, i think maybe i was trying too hard. i was doing alright until i got

our waitress to sit with us. then i started second guessing myself & started thinking too much about what i should

do. body language is everything & i failed to turn my chair around to face her; instead, i sat there with my head

turned toward her while my body was facing away from her. so i probably added to the standoffish / arrogant ass vibe

by maintaining that position, even though i was trying to be friendly & talk with her (and even though i had quite a

bit of -nol on, also).

bottom line is that i am naturally a quiet & a keep to myself kind of person, and even

though i was trying to come out of this shell, the A314 + the way i was acting probably didn't help much.

in the

end, i learned a few things, so not all is lost.

thank you both for your comments, by the way.