All I know is on the dance floor women stay arms length, they may get pretty close sometimes without the pheros, but with the pheros, especially JB #1 I get butts grinded into me and held tightly, I get phone numbers and business cards. Women will dance me through four or five songs versus the mercy dance I usually get. I probably shouldn\'t say that. I\'m pretty good on the dance floor and I\'ve had some nice times with the ladies and I\'m probably making it sound worse than it is but the difference is so noticeable. (One lady almost broke my hip the way she was slamming into me. It can get painful sometimes guys [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) Pheros makes it a whole new ball game. I just dance and let them do their thing. Why work when they do the work for you. And I\'m definitely anxious to try JB-X to see what that does for me.

-The Bat