
Good analysis and summation.

"By age 40, your pheromone signals no

longer excite others when you enter a room as they did when you were 18. We all tend to think that the physical

beauty of young people is the source of their attractiveness; however, smells activate the emotions. Thus, the

declining interest of others as we age may be more due to pheromone declines than physical changes in our bodies."

What a load of silliness. Where did he get such nonsense? It may be reduced in some because they have not taken

good care of their bodies but a healthy man at 40, 48 , or 55 can be very appealing in an animal sense.

"Nipple Pheromone - Why Men are Attracted to Large Breasted Women"
Oh, dear me! I should get implants then.

Would my lover pay more attention to them? He seems so fond of them now.

Women with large breasts do not have

more glands or pores to emit more pheromones. Larger breasts mean that the skin has stretched more and there are

fewer pores close together. We all started out with the same amount of skin.

"Nevertheless, social status, power

and wealth play a greater role in drawing women to men. In other words, a thick wallet beats 3 drops of PI any day

of the week."

Here is the only place I will partially disagree with you. Every woman has a differnt set of

priorities. I grew up with some wealth and know how pointless money or status can be. That is not what interested me

in a man. To some women it does matter, just like to some men big breasts matter but it underestimates most women to

make a generalization like that.

W. Elf