Hi Icehawk,


are like pheromones in my experience in that you have to find the right mix (or single product) that works for you.

If you want to go the whole hog read up on the http://forum.avantlabs.com

Neuroscience section and www.imminst.org Nootropics and Brain enhancers


I have ADD too and have tried DMAE and it did not work for me for concentration after the first few

weeks of continual use (though I never tried the specific brand that Belgareth mentioned.) On the other hand other

products like Thiamine megadoses and certain herbs like Gingko helped ME with concentration issues.


Quote Originally Posted by Icehawk
How does DMAE work on concentration. Ive tried a few nootropics (idbenone, piracetam etc) and find

them to be very usefull but they do tend to scatter me mentally somwhat.