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  1. #1
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    Default Discussion of what to wear for law firm job interview

    So I'm a laid off atty who has been searching for months for a job. I have been lucky

    enough to land a first screening interview at a prestigious law firm this week. It will be one 20-30 minute

    interview with the two main partners I would work for. The goal is to wow them into inviting me for a full

    callback, which would be a full round of interviews with partners and associates in this office. Then if everything

    went well, they'd make an offer.

    I am male and both partners I am meeting are males (At least in their late

    40's/50's I think). As far as I know, both are "Type A" personalities.

    After much reading on this forum, my

    thought is to wear A314 for respect and just before I go into the interview put on 4 full sprays of LT to the chest.

    Nothing else, no wagg or any other mones.

    Is this still the way to go? I used to go WAGG + LT, but I think for

    a lawyer trying to get into a law firm, the conventional A314 + LT makes much more sense.

    The Pride of Kentucky in Living Flesh (me, of course!)

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Sounds like a good strategy.

    You might roll a couple inches of SoE on the back of your hands too, and cover. Good luck!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    like a good strategy. You might roll a couple inches of SoE on the back of your hands too, and cover. Good

    So I added SoE to the mix and I like the combo of that with LT and A314 (my classic bottle of


    The particular interview I referenced didn't turn into anything, but I know it's not because of the

    interview. One of the two males wasn't there and I know that he simply put his foot down and passed on me. Had he

    been able to meet with me as I was told he was going to, I might have had a better shot.

    I have had other

    interviews and am having better luck with this combo. I do wonder though, is this mix of A314 + SoE with sprays of

    LT on clothes okay for interviewing with women (As in female partners who I might be working for)? I don't have

    many women to interview with, but just in case I am wondering if this is still okay.

    The Pride of Kentucky in Living Flesh (me, of course!)

  4. #4
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Good question. I don't know.

    You're asking us to second-guess women!

    It might be a good idea to ease off slightly on the A314, to lighten

    up your authority persona. Maybe even ramp up the SoE a little too, to relax everyone.

    This makes even better

    sense if you have a strong personality and project authority naturally. A woman in a power position and a chip on

    her shoulder might want to crush what she gets from your -Rone. OTOH a strong but well balanced woman might respond

    well to the added authority vibe.

    Geez, I give up....

  5. #5
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Try give it a look at my

    reply in this thread

    If you haven't got any

    you might try using SOE instead.
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

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