
\"One subtle attitude change I noticed was that whenever someone got a whiff of it they seemed to be sorting their thoughts out. \"
Hmm. . . . Yes I have noticed this too. Perhaps it takes a lot of time to process a response. Maybe this is the reason why it usually takes an hour to get really wild hits. Then again there are a lot of other variables in the mix. Public place vs. social place (public busses vs. clubs), your physical build appearence, subject\'s prefferences, and the list goes on. . . .

\">My suggestion use less and maybe experiment with diluting PI/m.
Primal Instinct is tricky, but when used with a little intuition, I think can be extremely powerful. After buying Primal, I\'m hooked. There are few things you can apply on yourself for $70 that do this much.\"
My thoughts here where that since I got subtle hits when wearing lots of APC (concentration 0.05mg/ml), and that I had to wait an hour to get wild hits with PI/m and RM(both 0.5mg/ml) that the ideal concentration (at least for me) is somewhere in between.