I think the study is flawed at

best. They don't define exactly what they mean as "attractive". Attractiveness is somewhat of a whimsical thing.

On the other hand, most tend to agree that facial symmetry is the key to attractiveness. There was a study done not

to long ago which concluded that if we go by facial symmetry, Densel Washington is regarded as the most attractive.

People such as Robert Deniro or Tom Cruise are pretty much assymmetric but they still have lots of ladies. So would

it be safe to assume that if Robert Deniro or Tom Cruise wore rone, it would make them less attractive to


I read of a study where it determined that women who sniffed copulins were more strongly attracted to men

with less masculine features. Women who sniffed none however were more likely to be drawn towards men with more

masculine features such as a broad chiseled chin.

None of these studies mean that certain types of pheromones

will repel women when worn by certain individuals. A man's natural pheromones are more likely to do that if their

immune systems are very similar.