The art store was closed so I

went to Target for the paper I needed. I was wearing the PI/APC oil combo - just smeared a little across my chest

and wore it just like any other cologne, as the directions say. I know that's unusual compared to the

instructions for other products, which are sold on THIS site. Anyhow, I dressed casually and didn't expect

anything unusual. I wore an old beat-up Abercrombie T-shirt, Khaki shorts, and leather flip-flops, so nothing

unusual. So why am I bothering to write this down? Well, here's a funny "hit" for you, from two cute

twenty-something blondes walking by the software section, which I had wandered into...

Blonde 1: "Mmmmm... too

bad he went in the geek section."
Blonde 2: "Yeah, too bad."
