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Thread: SOE backfire?!

  1. #1
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    Default SOE backfire?!

    Hi Gents,

    I've noticed a phenomenon that I wonder if anyone else has dealt with: SOE backfire, or what I would call

    "overchattiness". I find SOE is a great ice-breaker in social situations and a good lube for conversation, but it

    can cause problems when I am a captive audience in close proximity to female friends.

    I've noticed this a lot

    when I'm in a car with female friend(s) and I'm wearing 10" or more of SOE: they start chatting like they haven't

    seen me in twenty years. I can't get a word in edgewise and the barrage of chat gets to be a little much for me at

    times. It's funny how women who are known as good listeners can be transformed into such non-stop talkers.

    I've actually started cutting back on SOE use when I know I am going to be in a confined space with a female or


    Has anybody else ever noticed this?


  2. #2
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    It's funny how women who are

    known as good listeners can be transformed into such non-stop talkers.

    indeed.... and i have been told that

    something in my car makes them sing...haha
    well of course does it make women some kind of motormouth ...

    and they tell you things that you really donĀ“t wanna hear ... beside the interesting parts....


  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Hey CAt, how's it going? I've

    noticed that too, and not only with women. One of my employees (male) is susceptible to SoE, and if I know we'll

    be riding together I won't wear it at all.

    I've had the same problem with C7 a couple of times. I was out

    with another couple a few months ago and the woman simply would NOT stop talking. Her husband apologized a couple

    of times on the side, and finally it became a running joke at the table.

  4. #4
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    Hey iD,

    Long time! How

    are you? Look at you, a forum moderator now!

    It's funny... once I discovered a great mix for me (A7/SOE/A1),

    it's been harder to keep up my interest in this forum--the advice and stories all start sounding the same after

    awhile. I am pretty happy just chuggin' along in life, using Mones as needed, and I guess that's that. Whenever I

    get an email from Bruce about a discount code, it reminds me to check these boards and see if there's anything new

    and interesting. So here I am...

    Hope you are well...


  5. #5
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAtriathlete View Post


    Long time! How are you? Look at you, a forum moderator now!

    It's funny... once I discovered a great mix

    for me (A7/SOE/A1), it's been harder to keep up my interest in this forum--the advice and stories all start

    sounding the same after awhile. I am pretty happy just chuggin' along in life, using Mones as needed, and I guess

    that's that. Whenever I get an email from Bruce about a discount code, it reminds me to check these boards and see

    if there's anything new and interesting. So here I am...

    Hope you are well...

    Yep, a brief

    lapse in Bruce's good judgement and here we are.

    Everything's great, hope you're the same. Always

    good to see you around.

    I know what you mean, I've found 2-3 steady mixes, depending on the occaision, and

    don't vary much unless someone has a good idea, which often happens. I have a new bottle of WAGG which I still

    haven't gotten around to testing properly.

    Keep up the good, ummm... "work"

  6. #6
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Although I've not had as strong a

    chattyness response from SoE, I have gotten a desire to yell "shut up already!" when I experimented with another

    high alpha-androstenol product. And it affected guys as well as gals. (I've actually stopped using that particular

    product because it worked TOO well...).

    The multiple ingredients in SoE probably modified the chat response a

    bit, plus I do low dose applications normally. I do get talkative reactions when I use SoE but both the general

    situations where I use it (short-term contact usually - short meetings etc) and my low-dose applications keep it

    under control.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  7. #7
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I agree Rbt. 90% of my

    daily applications of anything is low dose, simply because of my goal, which is a definite but

    moderate reaction. I'll turn up the heat if going out on the town.

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