JDM, I agree that the name can be unintentionally deceiving.

Back to the issue though, concious smells and

pheromones that work on an unconcious level are completely different IMO. Some may by into the argument that a

concious smell can work just as well, I certainly don\'t.

What pheros has in there that we really can\'t

get or afford are all the organic compounds that may have low levels of pheromones (for instance in the animal

products and perhaps even plant ones) that are not present in the normal L-S products. There are so many pheromones

out there, and we can only get a handful of them directly.

On the other hand, there is no reason to believe

that the extra pheromones offered in each of these compounds included in pheros are in greater concentration than

that of your own sweat.

As for the synthetic pheromones DST added, common sense tells you he wouldn\'t add

a significant amount simply because it was f-ck up the scent he had been trying to perfect over the last


There were some posts when he mentioned his stuff isn\'t trying to replace AE or anything like that.

It isn\'t trying to compete or provide anything what the normal products do, but it does offer us the ability to

delve into something that hasn\'t been explored as much - the aphrodesiac properties of natural


Since there are over 100 organic compounds in there, it is providing us something special.

However, I can see how one might have thought that this product was supposed to be some hit producing product. I

think there can be some mix-ups and different interpretations from the same language, and that is what was likely to

have happened with pheros.