Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
I spent today

experimenting with new bottling and dilution methods for Pheros, and now have some more specific conclusions

to offer Burgerama and others of you who wanted me to compare the beta offering with the "new generation".

Bottom line: IMHO, the new Pheros will smell a little better than the original, beta

version you all are familiar with. The smell is a little more mature, smoother, more refined; and more like a single

smell instead of 150 (now 151, I guess ) smells. In particular it is slightly more woody, musky, ambery, smooth

and mellow; all of which was part of my goal for it.

I'm realizing more than ever this perfume is really

"old school", and that nothing like it can be found in stores. Some of the prominent ingredients are hugely

expensive and considered precious, so I'm glad I can bring these together for folks at a reasonable price. Though

there is a limited supply, I almost can't believe I produced as much of it as I did, given the nature of the

ingredients. It would not have lent itself to mass production.

The slightly harsh, spicy, sawdusty edges

have rounded off, thankfully. Some new bottling and dilution methods I am using have also made a positive difference

in this regard; and I will be refining this part tomorrow. This has been a very interesting learning process, as

tiny differences in production method make big differences in the result, even without changing any ingredients in

the concentrate. No wonder natural perfuming takes years to learn! The extra musky notes and fixatives have also

made a positive difference.

All in all, today was a relief, and I managed to perform some music tonight,

too. Hope everyone rested well.

Great to hear that you're playing, too.