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  1. #1
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    Default Chikara + Perception + Pheros Part 2

    C) Once again I was using ONE spray Perception and one spray of the scent, but this time

    I also added a swipe of TE to the combination.

    PERCEPTION:NPA: Well, do I

    have a story to tell about this powerful combo. I applied one shot of PERCEPTION to my neck and one shot of cover,

    and one drop of NPA to my wrists. Today I had to go with the x-girlfriend and change the house insurance into my

    name. We had a meeting with a lady who looked in her early 30's, and she was trying hard to make a move on me, as

    my girlfriend was busy with another rep. This woman could not stop talking too was like I had known her for

    10 years. She even told me she was married, but she hopes I will bump into her again. Unbelievable! Eye

    contact...never once took her eyes off me through our long conversation. This PERCEPTION+NPA is pure dynamite!!!!!!


    PHEROS: I just

    received my new Pheros today. I compared the old with the new and found the new Pheros to have an obvious kick to it

    than the older version. It does seem to give me a Pheros buzz more like AE or PI does. Smells great! I think this

    could be a killer! (BURGERAMA1960)

    PHEROS:CHIKARA: I am using Pheros from the first batch and I usually put two

    on the neck and one dab on my chest, then one spray of Chikara on both sides of the neck. I tell ya,

    this works! Pheros just happens to be a scent that matches my aura so to speak. It draws them in and Chikara seals

    the deal or combo of the mix seals the deal. And I am talking about all ages just not just the over 35 crowd. Its to

    bad DTS does not package Pheros in gallon bottles I am afraid that I'll run out and not be able to get a hold of

    anymore. (BURGERRAMA 1960)

    PHEROS:NPA: I got my

    bottle of Pheros in the mail yesterday. I LOVE the scent. It's like no other cologne I've ever smelled before. I

    put 2 dabs of NPA on my neck and covered it with 2 dabs of Pheros. Then I put 2 more dabs of

    Pheros on each wrist. You've got one helluva product here, DST. Everyone was friendly today. And I mean everyone.

    Not just the ladies. I even had a couple people whiff the air. I put it on at about 9:30 this morning and could

    still smell it very clearly at about 5:00. I'll definitely be buying another bottle before the batch runs out.

    Great work, Doc! (FUSE)

    PHEROS:NPA: Right now though

    I'm really loving my Pheros/NPA combo. I wore 6 dabs of it Tuesday night and ended up getting kicked out of a bar

    because myself and this drop dead gorgeous med student who I just met were acting a little too lewd with each other.

    I've been using a 3:1 ratio of Pheros:NPA. I stored the mix in an old A1 bottle (that still had a small amount of

    A1 in the bottom.) I only use this in smoky bars/clubs. I maybe wear a dab or two of plain Pheros to class most


    PHEROS:TE: I tried

    the TE/gel & Pheros combo last night, and before I went out the door I added two sprays of Chikara to my forearms.

    WOW...It smelled incredible and I got lots of extra attention from women at the crowded mall and bookstores as I

    strolled around finding the various items I needed. One younger girl (18-21) actually leaned in behind me almost

    pressing her nose to my neck while I was looking at DVDs just to get a better smell (not a normal occurrence) She

    didn't say anything (not really the age range I'm looking for) but I got a sexy little grin as she moved a little

    further down the aisle. The rest of the attention was just really touchy feely women talking about their personal

    crap while waiting in lines general conversation while browsing... but still WAY above the norm for a crowded New

    England mall. The combo works extremely well together!! (GOSSAMER 2701)
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  2. #2
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    1, 2, 3...testing!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  3. #3
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    Mobley. Thanks for the


    But which p-mones do YOU use, and what results do you get?

  4. #4
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    PERCEPTION (Duckman's story): I used Perception last night on a blind date, 4 sprays covered with

    Lagerfeld, neck and forearms with one drop of P10 mixed in with my hair gel. I know this may seem near OD quantites,

    but I cannot get results with smaller quanities regardless of product. The results where very favorable.


    arrived at the resteraunt about half an hour early and had a drink at the bar. The bar maid is doe eyed as she fixes

    me a drink, I all ready know that I have a good mix going....

    A young couple comes in and sits down next to

    me...shes smiles and stares at me..immediately distracted from her date...he forces a smile...and brings his date

    back to his world, just as date comes thru the door at the same time.

    To my suprise this woman looks

    like Jennifer Aniston at 45. She sits down next to me and by the time the bar maid gets her a glass of wine, she is

    doe eyed and playing with her hair. I know I have a good thing going....

    We sit down to dinner, and the waitress

    who can be more the 21 becomes doe eyed taking are drink order and becomes a near babbling idiot. My date is fixated

    on me and is non stop playing with her hair.
    As we eat dinner, I look breifly around the room, and every woman with

    in 15 feet of the table is staring at me. I have never had results like this...

    I pay the hostess and by the time

    she processes my credit card, she becomes disoriented and doe eyed.

    My date and I go to the pub up the block for

    an after dinner drink. We have one drink, where there maybe a half hour and every woman is staring at me I am

    really digging this attention, though it is getting a little scary. My date gets its time to


    The scent definetly has consistent long lasting results. It almost seams to "pulse" when you have

    initial contact with people. I could still smell it when I took a shower this morning. No phermone hangover the next

    day, no cat piss smell ever. Good product, wierd "texture" and color, but who cares, it works.

    The next time out

    we will retire the P10 in the hair gell and see what happens.


    I have allways thought that I needed

    more phermones and usually only got results with large doses. I had been using three sprays of Perception or four

    sprays of Chikara with cover with only fair results. I cut the dose of Perception in on the top of

    my chest and shared by my forearms...with my usual cover scent....Lagerfeld.

    I had a blind date. She didnt the end of the evening she was all over me....She said that I smelt so good she was getting high off of

    me. Less is truly 30 years of dating....I have never been attacked like this. I think I have been ODing

    with out realizing it.


    About two weeks back I posted a thread stating that my blind date

    "attacked" me. In later conversations she stated the she didnt know what came over her...

    The woman I took out

    Tuesday was real affectionate. She had to run early because she had to pick up her son....she promised too make it

    up to me.

    Since using Perception on dates I have had "sucsess" with my dates 4 out of 5 times since august. The

    failure was definetely an OD quantity, the drop of p10 in my hair did it.

    What I have discovered is that applied

    one spray on the neck and one spray shared between the fore arms about 1/2 an hour before the date with Lagerfeld

    Classic EAU de Toilette as cover(40-45 year old woman like it) is causing a definete turn on.

    It seems as the

    Lagerfeld fades they get progressivelly more affectionate as the perception begins to "pulse through. I think the

    lighter eau de toillet vs real cologne allows a more gradual,natural,turn on. By the time the Lagerfeld faded and

    its full blown Perception with only a hint of Lagerfeld they are really turned on. I think its the "sledge hammer"

    caused by ODing ...too much too fast. (DUCKMAN)

    PERCEPTION: With Perception, I find one spray is usually

    enough for the entire day (regular day such as work, one on one encounters, etc), unless I'm going to a night club

    or party.

    I usually do one full spray on the chest (or two short burst), then I rub my wrists on

    it and then rub them on the neck. Same with the cover scent. For club or party (larger groups), I will do one

    full spray
    on the chest, then a short burst on one wrist, with I rub against the other and then

    the neck.(DANTHEMAN)
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  5. #5
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    thanks ! mobley for the past

    review i completely forgot my application that i used that day now that its here thats the one to use this weekend

    cheers buddy!

  6. #6
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by luckyhorse
    thanks !

    mobley for the past review i completely forgot my application that i used that day now that its here thats the one

    to use this weekend cheers buddy!
    Thought it might help. What application did you decide

    on, LuckyhorseE? Hope all goes well!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  7. #7
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    i hav decided on the one shot

    of perception to the neck and using acqua di gio as a cover and one drop of npa to my wrists rubbed together the

    chikara i will let my buddy use

  8. #8
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    CHIKARA:AE: Chikara and AE/m. Beta version of Chikara with the silver cap. I'll put 1-2 sprays of Chikara

    on the torso) (depending on where I'm going) and 1-3 drops of AE/m (neck, forearms, hair/goatee) again depending on

    where I'm going. Results: Often very very strong hits, with a lot of physical contact initiated by the other party.

    When I'm wearing this, girls I'm talking to will often start to talk about sexual things, which is always fun.


    CHIKARA:PERCEPTION: One of my favorite combinations. Slightly weaker hits than the Chikara/AE

    for some reason, but definitely more frequent. Sometimes I'll augment this with a little SOE/m gelpack in my

    hair/goatee. This definitely gets people chatty as can be, but it can be hard to shut them up as well. I've also

    used a "finger dab" of NPA at the base of my pants zipper with this one before going to a party at a friend's

    house. AMAZING hits that night, girls grabbing my arms and feeling up my chest. I wore the pants the next day to

    work (forgetting that I had used NPA on them) my boss (a man-hater) flipped out on me for no reason (good thing I

    had a witness to assert that it was for no good reason, heh). (MANBEAST)

    PERCEPTION: I used 2 sprays on my neck. This is 4x my effective dosage for everyday

    environments. My experiences with Perception seem too extreme to be brushed off as chance. I’ve worn Perception to a

    neighborhood college bar twice and both times I got myself invited to a night on the town by two (count them, two)

    beautiful college girls (different girls each time). Both times, all I did was get a drink from the bar, pick up the

    latest issue of the “Onion,” sit myself at a quiet table, and smile when I caught a girl checking me out. Both

    times, they just came up and started talking to me. After a bit of booze and conversation the first couple of girls

    (about two weeks ago) asked me to go to a downtown club to watch a friend of theirs play in a band. The second

    couple of girls (last Friday) asked me to go to a retro 70’s club with them. Both times, the girls covered the cab

    fare and bought me shots (the first couple also got me stoned. ) I’m 45 and this is very


    The attraction didn’t stop with the two girls. Wherever we went, the fact that I was at a table with a

    couple of babes didn’t stop other women from coming up and trying to flirt with me. Last Friday, for example, a

    woman just came up and started stroking my hair. Telling me how beautiful it is. I was pretty drunk and inarticulate

    so I just stroked her hair in return. Then she nuzzled her face into my neck and (just as she was breathing in the

    heavy fumes) a big guy (that I assume was her boyfriend) came over and led her away.



    AKA may be on to something. As a 40 something

    guy I had a similar extreme experience this afternoon. A young female friend of mine (early 20s), in a long-term

    relationship, asked for help with her music class. I've helped her out several times so I expected nothing outside

    of a little tutoring and pleasant conversation. I had no intention of trying to seduce her. But I just happened to

    be testing a dab of NPA and 4 sprays of Perception with Burberry Weekend as a cover, applied about 4 hours earlier.

    After the tutoring session we talked a bit but she seemed very uncomfortable. I noticed she was twitching around a

    lot, almost as if she needed to go to the bathroom or had a terrible itch down there. Out of the blue she asked if I

    would kiss her all over and go down on her! She was nearly begging me , and this was totally out of character

    for her.

    Now, I don't doubt she had some

    attraction for me, but I think Perception and NPA may have helped push her over the edge of self-control. And plus

    she bought me a very nice lunch afterwards. (GEGOGI)

    Gegogi, I would still like to know how you applied your

    stuffin getter.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  9. #9
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    Thanks for posting these,

    Mobley! When's Part 3 comin out? ;-) Gegogi, that is crazy man! Perception and NPA seems like a hell of a

    combo...matter of fact, pretty much anything with NPA seems to get the hits like none other. Pun intended. Hey,

    think of it this way: Not only did you get a younger girl (she sounds like she could be attractive as well) to ask

    you for sexual favors, but you also got a free lunch!

  10. #10
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    Bump to the 2006 power!

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    great updates mobley!!!

    one quick questions. i assume the perception sprays came from the perception crappy atomizers.

    have you

    tried the perception gels at all? just curious as ive been a big fan of perception for years now and when the gels

    came out i did a short test run with them about 3 weeks. i found i had to wear like 1 full gel maybe more to get the

    results as two sprays. at the time wasnt economical but maybe now with the special going. i remember getting up to 2

    full gels and i did have a few wild days with the gel but i ran thru my packets and went back to liquid.


    maybe ill give the gels another run as it was a really a test run for the platinum version if i recall correctly.

    yeah i 've used up to 3 full sprays with great results even 4 but that may have been od. eventually i cut back

    to 2 sprays which gave me much more consistency and even hits;

    few of my favorite perception mixes:


    sprays perception + 1 dab npa-
    killer mix

    1 spray + 2 dabs npa+ 1/4 soe gel-

    really killer mix. i find the soe really really benefits this mix

    deoending on my moods and plans i do like

    to wear soe along with the perception especially at work as i do work in a bar.

    standalone 2 sprays everyday

    sometimes 3 but havent worn that much in a while. 1 spray is ok but 2 really gets the attention.

  12. #12
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    Yes, yes, yes. I

    do like PERCEPTION, too. Just never tried it with anything other than AE. Will spend the next few weeks

    experimenting based on your part 1 and part 2 posts and compare with the results I've been getting. I have the gel

    form of PERCEPTION, so I should be using 1/2 to 1 pack for a 2 spray equivalent, I imagine?

  13. #13
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    I didn't get much

    results with Chikara, though. Just some friendliness and chit-chats were all I received when used as a stand-alone.

    I liked the scent of Chikara spray, but I imagine I should have mixed it with NPA and or AE for better results.

  14. #14
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    Now hold on, Mad Scientists!

    Those are a colaboration of OTHER people's hits over the past years ... they're not my reports.


    love the Chikara scent, and it has taken away the intimidation factor for me. The only thing I can consider a hit

    way back when, was when I used three sprays of Chikara:NPA mix; and was sitting at a computer in the library. I

    could sense someone looking at me, so I looked to my left and there's this pretty young Rican sitting there. So I

    start using my pereferal vision, and she kept looking at like every 10 seconds. After a while I looked over and

    said, "I didn't do it!" And introduced myself, put my hand out to shake her hand, and when her hand hit mine, it

    was sweaty as all hell! It wasn't from fear because there are lots of computers in the library that she could have

    switched up to use.

    With Chikara alone, in situations where no one knows me, I intimidate the hell out of people

    'cause I look like a mad escaped convict; but with Chikara, people I don't know have no fear ... seems like.

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  15. #15
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    Does Chikara even cover the

    scent of NPA?
    I wouldent think the light musk Chikara uses would be enough really.

    Saying that, I havent tried

    it yet, currently trying Alpha 7.

  16. #16
    Full Member BizmanJoe's Avatar
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    Red face Hmmm, yes. The barrier is gone on Chikara

    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Now hold on, Mad Scientists! Those are a colaboration of OTHER people's hits over the

    past years ... they're not my reports.

    I love the Chikara scent, and it has taken away the

    intimidation factor for me. The only thing I can consider a hit way back when, was when I used three sprays of

    Chikara:NPA mix; and was sitting at a computer in the library. I could sense someone looking at me, so I looked to

    my left and there's this pretty young Rican sitting there. So I start using my pereferal vision, and she kept

    looking at like every 10 seconds. After a while I looked over and said, "I didn't do it!" And introduced myself,

    put my hand out to shake her hand, and when her hand hit mine, it was sweaty as all hell! It wasn't from fear

    because there are lots of computers in the library that she could have switched up to use.

    With Chikara alone,

    in situations where no one knows me, I intimidate the hell out of people 'cause I look like a mad escaped convict;

    but with Chikara, people I don't know have no fear ... seems like.
    Yes. Now that I reflect

    upon the circumstances, it does seem that Chikara removes the barriers, doesn't it? If that is the typical case,

    then it would be really good for "stacking" with other mones such as NPA, PI, EDGE, Alpha-7 & Andro 4.2

  17. #17
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    Two ducks and a chicken?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  18. #18
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    Dance wit me, baby!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  19. #19
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57 View Post

    wit me, baby!
    Mobley, if you're talking about the newest Pheros I'll dance with you cause you smell

    sooo good, until the first woman grabs one of us, which shouldn't take long...

    Geez, you started this thread 3

    yrs ago. What do you think of Pheros then and now?


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Mobley, if

    you're talking about the newest Pheros I'll dance with you cause you smell sooo good, until the first woman grabs

    one of us, which shouldn't take long...

    Geez, you started this thread 3 yrs ago. What do you think of Pheros

    then and now?

    Was just bumping up the old hit threads for the newbees to get some ideas. They

    should help answer those NEWBEE questions that don't wanna do a SEARCH and look for answers.

    As for PHEROS ...

    the creator is that SMELLTHIS fella. With him in the driver seat, I'd bet the chickens and the farm on it. Haven't

    made a purchase yet ... waiting for my credit card to gain some weight so I can make a major purchase.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

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