I have been

playing with pheromones in business and socially. my wife was suprised by my visit to her at work riding my harley

with my leather coat on and pherone m-15 one dab on . linked up through phero library and found there site. she came

home from work 4 hours later ready to pounce my bones . i have ordered from here rone reagent grade and begginers

special and primal oils . also i cover my pheromones with jovan musk , heat and bod musk . i have noticed more

people talking to me and giving more respect when i wear m-11 . and super macho 17 they either get out of the way or

bounce around me becuase of the alpha male aura. i hope the rone and primal oils with nol i can mix my own matrix.

more women talk to me and reach and touch me more. even women wanting to name there baby after me. i feel i look

pretty good but im short like 5,7 pretty muscular though at 180 pounds. i guess the mones make me have the aura of

being say 6 foot. i guess i will get elevator shoes my goal is not to bag chicks but improve my marriage and

social standing with women and men. but actually i have good social interchanges, but more is better business

wise. the atomizer bottle with my begginer special i will try a matrix of rone and nol with jovan . what

ever happened to ANDRON BY JOVAN? LISTEN one or two dabs is all you need of a concentrated product.