for steam

distilled Laotian Lao, your best source is a store in New York City called Enfleurage. They have a webstore too. The

owner has a close relationship with the distillers. My understanding is that she picks it up at the still and it

never leaves her possession. Once the product passes through sales channels, particualrly dealing with newbies, it

is easy to adulterate, and you can be sure it is. She's kind of a cool babe too.

Eden Botanicals sells a

nice C02, it reminds me of a cross between a pine forest floor and maple suryp with some other undefinable thing

going on...

You could hit a nice balance by mixing C02 from Eden with steam distilled from


This is good quality Lao... the $500 a tola business is more like a vintage year wine from some

incredibly deep Aquilaria wood... I've heard of mind blowing prices for the absolute best, such as $50,000 for a

not so big bottle of it....

The psycoactive effect is in the dissociative family, it reminds me rather more

of Salvia Divinorum which has an affinity for opoid receptors... mellowing, moderately codeine like, contemplative,

sexy... larger quantities can make you sweat copiously....