Hi all. I just want

to report my results with SOE

I gotta tell you this was a good week; I think I felt so happy since I got many

girls calling me on the phone. I think TE worked well last week, but also a change of attitude towards them (I acted

a little more indifferently).

First day. I applied about 1/4 gel pack and went to work. Usual friendlyness

there. Then this female friend phones and tells me she wants to see me. I met her at college and went to meet some

friends of mine. She acts friendly and open as usually (talktative, hugging me, grabbing my butt, trying to kiss me)

while we're together, but then she had to leave. Friends were not so talktative, since one of them was not feeling

well I think.

Second day. 1/3 gel pack. Went out with some male friends and then this other girl calls me and

invites me to a party. When we get there, she introduces me a female friend of her. This girl starts talking and

acting soo friendly, but then I tell her I gotta hit the restroom and she goes with another guy (maybe her bf?). On

my way to the restroom, out of nowhere, another girl starts talking to me. I didn't payed her so much attention

since I dind't like her too much. Then I find my female friend and she tells me she has great esteem for me and

kisses me on the cheek (it was a very tender kiss and she hasn't done that before); and then she gets me some

drinks. I liked that and returned the kiss.

Third day. 1/3 gel pack. Went to a club, since it was a friend's

birthday (female one). I was on a higly good mood. I noticed her looking at me and smiling, saying "cheers" very

oftenly. The temperature was way up and all of my friends went dancing soooooo hot&sexy (was it 'mones? maybe)

until we were all exhausted and sweated. I had a really good time. I also got a call from another girl I was with

last week, but couldn't manage to see her.

Do you think that cigarrette smoke spoils the pheromones, even if

I'm not a smoker?
Also, does anybody has any answer for the baby smell TE produced yet?

Any comments or

suggestions will be highly appreciated. I can't thank you enough for all your support.