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  1. #1
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    Angry New guy testing freebie pack. Advise needed.

    Hello guys. I've been reading your forum for about a couple of months, trying to decide where to

    start. I decided to get the freebie pack and finally it arrived.

    I'm a college student, 22 years old, latin,

    living in Mexico, 1.80mts tall, thin, average or above average looking. I'm always in a good mood, smiling, talking

    to girls, being friendly, acting easy and being chivalrous. Girls at college are always friendly and chatty, some

    even flirt with me. Still I get nervous when approaching the really super hot ones. I decided to give pheromones a


    I decided to try AE for my first pheromone experience, since I understand that it triggers not only sexual

    but friendly reactions. It smells nice but I couldn't notice no cat piss smell. I applied 1/4 of the gel pack as

    recommended on the forum (tho it's difficult to measure 1/4, maybe I applied 1/3 or 1/5) to the sides of my neck,

    sides of my face and both wrists. Covered with one and a half sprays of Davidoff's Silver Shadow cologne. This all

    happened at 11.00am. I try not to overestimate pheromones, but I still got excited. Maybe I got a tiny headache that

    went off in about a minute.

    Went to work. Arrived late and my supervisor got a little bit angry (no big deal).

    My supervisor and boss behaved nice and gently, just as usual (I've only been working there for three days).

    At 3.00pm I arrived college. I tried all afternoon to approach girls, talk to them, pass near them, hanging out

    with my female friends, but couldn't notice any unusual reactions. No glimpses, no big smiles, no stranger

    approaches. Just the usual friendliness and normal touching. I tried hugging my friends and a new girl I just met,

    but nothing extraordinary. I even tried asking an exgirlfriend, who still has a crush on me, to reach over and smell

    my neck to see if I applied too much cologne. She said it was OK. Male friends behaved well, as usual.

    What should I do, keep it going, increase/decrease the dosage, change my attitude, act a little bit arrogant? Any

    advise would be appreciated. Oh, and excuse my bad english.
    Last edited by SmartDrug; 10-19-2005 at 11:13 PM.

  2. #2


    Pheromones are there to give you

    an edge, not do all the work for you. for AE/m i usually wear 3 drops around the neck and ear area and the cover it

    with a cologne or scent. its best to be around the person longer if u can. I suppose the ideal time to be around

    someone is 15minutes, but it doesn't have to take that long for pheromones to work especially Anone. Anol and

    Arone may take alittle longer to kick in on there effects. Anone generally doesnt take long at all to show the

    effects on people around u.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmartDrug
    Still I get

    nervous when approaching the really super hot ones. I decided to give pheromones a try.
    Im new here as

    well but i read and was adviced enough to know that the pheros won't make that nervousness go away. Some say theres

    a placebo effect (appart from the other qualities) that can boost confidence..i.e im wearing pheros now i can make

    it....or some of the products can give you a mild "high/confident feeling" but i dint notice that with SOE last

    night nor a bad smell (i hope i m not one of those that cant smell but other can cause i used it plain!! :P)

    Also you seem to have already the flirty/touchy attitude towards you so how can you know that it didnt work? I

    mean its hard to see more than that in a work environtment/college...

  4. #4
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    It will take some time for you to

    get used to the pheromone products, or probably for you to notice any effects. They are often very subtle and

    spmetimes hard to notice.

    I would continue applying your sample gel products, in those small amounts, over a

    number of days, and in different situations. Skip a day or two once in a while to see if there is a difference

    between when you are wearing a product and when you aren't. And they often only work on a few people. Not everyone

    will react. You may actually be trying too hard, or looking for too much too soon.

    Some forum members claim

    they get immediate results from those they encounter while wearing pheromones. Others, like myself, think that it

    can take at least 5 to 15 minutes for any effects become apparent. The body may indeed be affected quickly, but the

    brain takes time to process the effects into action. A pheomone may create a reaction, but it takes time for the

    person affected to figure out a response. The thinking process sort of gets in the way you might say. (Why do I feel

    this way? What should I do? What do I feel like doing? What will they think of me if I do something? etc.)


    most other "skills" (or learning to use specialized tools) it can take months if not more to get the hang of using

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    I think you might be trying too

    hard to force a hit to happen. People can usually detect when someone is trying too hard, and it tends to ruin their


    I used to do the same kind of things when I first started using mones. The best hits I've gotten came

    when simply forget I'm wearing my mones and I'm just out being myself. (I once had a girl come out to me and ask

    for my number while I was minding my business, having my lunch break at a sandwich shop). DIHL hits, for instance,

    rarely happen when I'm already looking at a woman. Its usually a matter of me catching her and she not knowing how

    to react.

    Not that you should stop approaching women altogether or anything, just don't let pheromones dictate

    how you act. Being yourself works best.

    I also agree with the point that RBT makes. Finding what mones and

    amounts work best for you, and which mones compliment different situations best, is a lengthy process of trial and


  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Give it 3-6 months before u draw

    any conclusive results - use a small amount every day get out there and just look for minor changes - u will notice

    it - trial and error it is in spades once u hit the good results its great

  7. #7


    I don't own SOE, I have in the

    past. I used a part of a free SOE scented gel pack to class one day and sat next to girls I don't normally sit

    next to. I don't think I said one word to any of them and after about 10-15 minutes they starting talking and

    getting chatty with me. They were completely silent when I first sat there for awhile.

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    a314 has the same affect. Esp in

    5-8 dabs

  9. #9
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    Hello again. I got to thank

    you all for your advise. Let me tell you that this is the most organized and friendly forum I've ever seen .

    Congratulations to all.

    I would like to update you with my results so far.
    I wore 1/4 AE gel pack on friday.

    (I've decided not to wear more than 1/4 every day). Went to school in the morning. I met this girl that I like the

    most. I had not seen her in a long time, and she behaved extra friendly. That kinda lift my mood. I went to work,

    and returned to college in the afternoon. One of my female friends got mad at me since I contradicted her when

    having a discussion with some guys she doesn't simpathize (she's a little paranoid anyway). She cooled off soon.

    Later, she tried to talk to me in private, like she was trying to tell me a secret. Then she told me some nonsense

    things (?).

    Today, my exgirlfriend who I talked about before, came to my house. I told her about the pheromones

    and she told me she has always been attracted to me, and explained that maybe it's the cause of her not noticing

    any effects while I'm wearing the pheros.

    Later, I met some other girls and a guy that came to my house, their

    dad had something to do with mine. My sister wanted to have some drinks, so she and I went to the store. We were

    back home and I took a shower and applied 1/4 AE. I invited them to join my sister and me, and they agreed. We went

    into my sister's room. One girl started to act as she already knew me for a long time. She asked me if I could get

    her a beer, tho she said that in a kind of bossy way. She noticed I was a little unconfortable with that and

    apologized. She also tried one of my sister's dress that she liked, which was very strange. All girls were very

    talktative and friendly with my sister and me, but not overly interested. Maybe one of the younger girls (16yo teen)

    showed a little more interest in me. The guy almost never spoke. When they were leaving, they invited us to spend

    some time at their beach house and have some drinks. I asked the bossy girl for her phone and she asked for mine.

    Hits? None yet, I think. Please let me know what you think. I would appreciate it.

    One last question. Anyone

    tried pheros with latinas? Any hits?

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    * she behaved extra friendly

    gae u a mood lift
    * u got a girls nuber
    * they acting extra talkative
    ( the dress thing

    Dunno sounds

    like youre getting some social - sexual resutls from the pheromones remember 90% of the reactions are social in

    nature and its not immediate its over time (though it can be immediate) those u know take longer to change their


    Um latinas - do respond to pheromones - any woman actually.

    Keep reading the forums u will

    soon get the idea pheromones arent the bomb but they are a damn good tool to have in youre arsenal

    Hits ? not

    sexual ones but u have by the sounds some classic and standard social reactions from those u are around - suggest u

    now go ahead and buy a bottle of alter ego for men and use that for 3-6 months keep reporting - asking questions

    (use forum search as well as there are a lot of old posts that cover most topics already) do lots of reading - get

    up to date on the science behind pheromones. Hit the gym and just get involved in the love-scent forums lots of

    dating tips - how to handle women and a multitude of other topics

  11. #11
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmartDrug
    Hits? None yet, I

    think. Please let me know what you think. I would appreciate it.

    One last question. Anyone tried pheros with

    latinas? Any hits?
    I also agree that you were indeed getting what can be called "hits." They were not

    just strong jump-on-your-bones types, but probable hits nonetheless.

    My first recognizable DIHL was from a

    latina with AE/m. We have a large latino population locally, but I haven't seen a large number of "hits" from

    *anybody*, no matter what background...
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    From what I can tell, the mones

    are producing some kind of effect on the people around you, so you're on the right track. Typically, if a

    particular mix can bring about good social hits, it can produce sexual ones as well....sexual hits just happen far

    less frequently.

    I origingally started using mones for the purely sexual aspect behind it, but after awhile I

    started to realize that the sexual hits don't come nearly as frequently as I expected them to. I've kept using

    pheromones mainly for the everyday social advantages that they provide, but I still always keep the sexual aspect in

    mind when wearing my mixes.

    The sexual hits that do arise only usually only come once the social barriers

    between you and a woman are lowered. I think that sexual 'hits' happen much more frequently than we realize....its

    just that people (women especially) tend to practice quite a bit of reservation when it comes to being attracted to

    someone they aren't comfortable around . For us guys, that means that we usually have to make the first move to

    eliminate that social awkardness, so that a woman will more willingly open herself to that attraction. The most

    frequent sexual hits I get are usually DIHL gazes, which again, usually come when I catch a woman looking my way.

    Sometimes it comes down to a staring game to see who breaks their gaze first lol.

    If you really want to test the

    effectiveness of the sexual aspect of your mones, try wearing them to a club, or anywhere that alcohol is served. I

    think that alcohol helps lower the afformentioned social barriers between people, and they more openly act on their

    sexual attractions. As a result, sexual hits happen more frequently around alcohol.

    My most noticable sexual

    hits have come I'm at a fact just last night, a chick (mid/early 20's white) just randomly started

    smacking my ass while I was at the bar, before being lugged away by her friends. It was the strangest thing, and it

    honestly caught me off guard lol. Not that things like this are an every day occurance, but again, they tend to come

    about most frequently for me when I'm out at a club.

    again you seem to be on the right track. keep at it


  13. #13


    YEah, thats why clubs are great

    for ANone only products like NPA and TE

  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WxCloud9xW
    YEah, thats

    why clubs are great for ANone only products like NPA and TE
    NPA and TE are not Anone only products. They

    both have -none plus the secret ingredient.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  15. #15


    Yes, ofcourse, but you know what

    I mean..They are primarily Anone porducts, not containing Anol or Arone.

  16. #16
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I wonder how difficult it would

    be to have a lab analyze NPA and TE? It would be helpful to know what the secret ingredient is. Fish sauce, mule

    deer musk, goat urine and BS all come to mind...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #17
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I wonder how

    difficult it would be to have a lab analyze NPA and TE? It would be helpful to know what the secret ingredient is.

    Fish sauce, mule deer musk, goat urine and BS all come to mind...
    Not BS, Gegogi, Ox-S or water

    buffalo-S, since it's out of africa.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  18. #18


    Well, there is something in NPA

    and TE thats making it work better than other Anone only products like Rogue Male and PI. ofcourse PI is almost an

    instant OD with 1 drop.

  19. #19
    Enlightened One
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    its something that makes guys

    friendly and makes girls just extra friendly

  20. #20


    doesn't the secret ingredient

    make women get flushed and hot too? Or am I thinking of something else.

  21. #21
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    Question TE hits.

    Hello again. I started

    using TE this week. All applications were 1/4 gel pack, application points were neck, sides of face and a little on

    wrists. Only wore cologne on first day, since me and a female friend could not notice any bad smell. I've heard TE

    can produce a heavy smell, but I didn't notice no bad smell at all when wearing it. Can anybody explain this? Do

    gel packs stink less?

    1st day. I went out with some friends (one girl, a friend's girlfriend and 4 male

    friends)and we had some drinks. I got a little drunk and acted a little arrogant and agressive with one of my male

    friends. Besides that, noticed no effects, but that is understandable since I didn't interact with any


    2nd day. I arrived college and some friends told me these girls invited them to a party. Went to the

    party and the girls met us at the entrance. They were so friendly, but not only with me, but with all my friends. I

    was dancing with this girl, we were both very chatty and dancing close. She told me then she had to leave and I got

    her e-mail adress. Then I found this other girl, I was having GREAT time, teasing her, dancing and talking also. I

    asked for her email adress or telephone, and insisted a lot, but she never agreed to give them. She told me her

    friend just gave her email to me.
    One of my friends got also very lucky. He was kissing and petting all nigh with

    one girl.

    3rd day. Went to a party at night and this girl, a friend's sister, was very chatty and friendly with

    me. I asked for her number and she agreed. His brother told me a couple of times how much he liked hanging out with

    me (I think he had said that before, and the girl has also shown some interest in me before). We were in a little

    room that was full of cigarette smoke.

    4th day. Went out with some friends and this drunk guy who I just met

    started acting so friendly towards me (he was about 35). The friend's girlfriend from the 1st day was so interested

    in everything I said and got very talktative with me. When we arrived at a little reunion, a female friend told me I

    smelled like a baby. And yes, I also noticed a sort of baby smell. Does anybody knows why did this happen?
    We were

    also invited to a female friend's bithday, at a club. I've known this girl for years, and she was a little dunk.

    She was hugging me, getting her face so close to my neck (she is short), and kinda rubbed her ass against my crotch.

    But she left quickly and was also heavily hugging other guys. I dunno if I payed her too much or too little

    attention. I also noticed some gazes and some girls getting close where I was, but I think I'm no good when

    noticing these things.

    What do you think of all this? I'm trying chikara next week.

    Thank you so much for

    your comments and all your help. It has been great for me. Keep it up dudes!

  22. #22
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    TE/NPA can smell bad but a lot

    depends on you personally, your body chemistry and how much you use. 1/4 of a gel pack isn't much but it sounds

    like it was pretty close to right for you. With the results you get and the lack of complaints I'd advise you to

    stick to that dose.

    Chikara mixes well with TE but I'd try Chikara by itself first.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  23. #23
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    Default SOE report.

    Hi all. I just want

    to report my results with SOE

    I gotta tell you this was a good week; I think I felt so happy since I got many

    girls calling me on the phone. I think TE worked well last week, but also a change of attitude towards them (I acted

    a little more indifferently).

    First day. I applied about 1/4 gel pack and went to work. Usual friendlyness

    there. Then this female friend phones and tells me she wants to see me. I met her at college and went to meet some

    friends of mine. She acts friendly and open as usually (talktative, hugging me, grabbing my butt, trying to kiss me)

    while we're together, but then she had to leave. Friends were not so talktative, since one of them was not feeling

    well I think.

    Second day. 1/3 gel pack. Went out with some male friends and then this other girl calls me and

    invites me to a party. When we get there, she introduces me a female friend of her. This girl starts talking and

    acting soo friendly, but then I tell her I gotta hit the restroom and she goes with another guy (maybe her bf?). On

    my way to the restroom, out of nowhere, another girl starts talking to me. I didn't payed her so much attention

    since I dind't like her too much. Then I find my female friend and she tells me she has great esteem for me and

    kisses me on the cheek (it was a very tender kiss and she hasn't done that before); and then she gets me some

    drinks. I liked that and returned the kiss.

    Third day. 1/3 gel pack. Went to a club, since it was a friend's

    birthday (female one). I was on a higly good mood. I noticed her looking at me and smiling, saying "cheers" very

    oftenly. The temperature was way up and all of my friends went dancing soooooo hot&sexy (was it 'mones? maybe)

    until we were all exhausted and sweated. I had a really good time. I also got a call from another girl I was with

    last week, but couldn't manage to see her.

    Do you think that cigarrette smoke spoils the pheromones, even if

    I'm not a smoker?
    Also, does anybody has any answer for the baby smell TE produced yet?

    Any comments or

    suggestions will be highly appreciated. I can't thank you enough for all your support.

  24. #24
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Some people seem to think smoke

    dampens the effect of mones but I don't believe it. Smoke also contains a small amount of rone.

    A baby smell

    from TE? That's different but better than some I've heard. TE reacts to your body chemistry and with you generates

    that smell. Wear a good cover scent is all I can tell you.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  25. #25
    Phero Dude
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    smoke contains small

    amount of rone????? really, do you know what contributes to this?

    i agree smoke does not dampen the effects of

    mones one bit. however the smell of smoke can be a huge turn off to some people so it is understandable why some

    may feel it dampens the effects. im a smoker and ive had good success with women whom cant stand the smell of

    smoke; if i wasnt wearing mones at the time i honestly dont believe i would have gotten anywhere with them

  26. #26
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I can't stand to be intimate

    with a woman, no matter how much I like her, if she's a smoker. I actually like the smell of fresh tobacco: grow it

    in my garden to use as a pesticide and like tobacco EO in colognes. However, smoker breath grosses me out.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  27. #27
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Smoker's breath is pretty bad

    so I avoid kissing women with it. I used to smoke, years ago so try to be honest about it. These ant-smoking nazi

    are worse than smokers in a lot of ways.

    Jolly, Sorry but I don't. The topic came up a couple years ago on the

    forum. You can probably find it by doing a search.
    Last edited by belgareth; 11-07-2005 at 05:40 AM.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  28. #28
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    These ant-smoking nazi are worse than smokers in a lot of ways.
    Is that

    like smoking crawdads?

    Quote Originally Posted by SmartDrug
    Also, does anybody has any answer for the baby smell TE produced

    Is that a urine-like smell? Goes with the territory, some describe it as a "cat piss" smell.

    Just cover it with a good cologne.

  29. #29
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    As someone who occasionally has

    a smoke and who has spent a lot of nights in houses with does affect the mones. When you smoke or are

    around smoke it makes you smell bad to others....almost like B.O. In the States 20 percent of people smoke. So when

    you smell like smoke you eliminate yourself from consideration with at least 70 percent of the people out there (if

    we say some nonsmokers would not be bothered by it we decrease from 80 percent rejection to 70 percent) So Mones may

    help give an edge and up your chances by say 15 percent but if you smell like smoke you decrease your chances by 70 obviously quit smokin.

  30. #30
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    yup, smoke is just going to hurt

    you in the short term and long term with women and make you look more aged and unhealthy in the longterm.

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