Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
Well depending on

some unknown stability process, we might have 7 days.

American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

186(3):496-498, March 2002.
Gard, John W. RPh; Alexander, James M. MD; Bawdon, Roger E. PhD;

Albrecht, Jon T. RPh

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the

stability of oxytocin in lactated Ringer's solution and lactated Ringer's-dextrose 5% solution over a 24-hour

period at 25[degrees]C and over a 7-day period at 5[degrees]C.
STUDY DESIGN: Twenty units (2.1 [mu]g equal 1

unit) of oxytocin were injected into 1000 mL of lactated Ringer's solution and lactated Ringer's-dextrose 5%

solution. Samples for the analysis were drawn at specified times after storage at 5[degrees]C and 25[degrees]C.

These samples were stored at -70[degrees]C for later analysis. Statistical analysis was done with 1-way analysis of

variance and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons.
RESULTS: Twenty units of oxytocin in 1000 mL of lactated

Ringer's solution and lactated Ringer's-dextrose 5% solution was found to be stable for 7 days at 5[degrees]C

and for 24 hours at 25[degrees]C
m-jim, im not understanding this completely, but if this

product will dissipate and disapear on the time frame you mentioned and at the temperatures you state with the

study, then I find it will only last on the body for a very very short time, the human body is approximatly 37

degrees C constant, even on the skin. If this is true about this product then even if it were freezed, then applied

to the skin, it wouldnt last very long. 7 days? more like 7 minutes.

the link that Bruce provided shows a

very sleek website dedicated to this product, hope the product lives up to the testimonials on that site, I

personally will wait for more feedback from the forum....