Quote Originally Posted by slickracer
yeah i think

thats a better way of going at it. then spreading ball juice all over your face.

also if you don't take shower

atleast give your self a rinse down wiht jsut water.
okay, I won't take it too far.

I just used some

SOE today. Well, I'd received my package on Saturday but missed the delivery so I picked it up at the post office

this afternoon.

I'd ordered SOE, NPA, and AE, and the freebie gel packs (samples).

I rolled on some SOE.

The scent of SOE is so weak, I barely smell a thing. I just walked around my apartment...and I'm a pretty social

guy with everyone, so I'm not sure how SOE will effect me if at all. My roommates were surprisingly nonsocial

actually...though I think it's because they were pissed about the dirty dishes and rotten food I left sitting

around, lol, my bad. But I guess I'll be using it more to gauge overall chattiness of people around me.


only extended exposure I had was with my Dad...who I usually talk a lot with anyway. We had some lengthy

conversation, but I'd say that's normal.

I'll be trying it more tomorrow again. I've read somewhere that

applying a cover cologne can extend/intensify the effect...?

I'll report back soon.