Let me clarify what I


I've never been in a fight in my life. I'm a nonviolent person, I don't like war and I don't like


A little over a week ago, I discovered fastseduction, and dived into that and other PUA methods. I've

already been seeing better results (just from a week) than I have with my pheromone usage, which is also pretty

recent (about a month ago I received my first order).

If you're not familiar with PUA jargon, there is a term

called AMOG (alpha male other guy), which is when you basically freeze another guy out of a set (group of people)

with demeaning yet subtle comments, by projecting your frame (of being the alpha male) onto him, by turning your

back to him and physically blocking him out of a group of people, by displaying yourself to have higher value, or by

demonstrating that he has lower value. My concerns with this are that it could get me into a lot of trouble if the

guy starts swinging.

Additionally, the -none might make some people more inclined to pick a fight with me.


my concern about getting into fights has nothing to do with my past lifestyle or my peer group, but with my

determination to reinvent myself in a way that will affect my life in a positive way and also lead to me getting

laid more.