Those that eat meat directly or

indirectly cause the death of a living creature to dine on its flesh. That is how it's been since the beginning of

time. In the eyes of Mother Nature, a dog is worth no more than a wolf, deer or bear. Now I'm a dad burn tree

hugging vegetarian and no longer eat or hunt animals (other than with my camera). Nevertheless I find it

hypocritical to condemn anyone for eating meat--dog, squirrel or otherwise--it as I once enjoyed hunting and fishing

and partook of the flesh of both wild and domestic beasts.

The bronz proclaims, "Eating dog in my opinion

is discusting, and this opinion reflects most Governments and thier Legislature, as its ilegal to do so in most

Perhaps this is true of Western nations where dogs are oft held in higher esteem than the

populations of countries they raped, pillaged and colonized. In some Asian countries dogs are farmed for the express

purpose of consumtion and served legally in restaurants. In Seoul dog ear soup is a highly regarded man's meal. A

few years back, I made the mistake of refusing to partake of such a meal and greatly insulted my otherwise very

gracious host.

Of course it is easy for outsiders puff up with self-righteousness and condemn the customs of

foriegn societies they have no understanding or appreciation of. We don't have to look very hard to find many

instances in the not too distant past of Australians and Americans treating their indigenous peoples worse than

dogs. And that every attitude of Western self-righteousness is one of the main reasons for the tensions between the

Middle East and the West. We arrogantly try to force our values on another culture and pay for it dearly at the gas

pump, airport and battlefield.