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  1. #1
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    Default What it means when a woman avoids you ??

    OK, I'm getting on great with this really hot chick at work - in fact she's doing most of the chasing

    ...... but now, for some reason she virtually hides or runs away from me every time I see her !! However, at the

    same time I have seen her stealing glances at me from behind a filing cabinet or staring at me from across the room

    ..... ??

    Is it :

    a) major mone OD !

    b) I said/did something stupid and now she has decided she

    doesn't want anything to do with me ?

    c) she is crazy about me but has heard some bullshit about me from

    somebody else

    d) she's playing hard to get and wants me to make some forward moves

    e) she is

    embarrassed about coming on so strong from the start

    f) she is upset that I haven't asked her out yet

    g) she has met somebody else now and doesn't want me to ask her out now cos she would have top turn me down

    etc etc ???

    HELP !!

  2. #2
    Phero Guru
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    Default best bet

    is to just ask her out

    and see what she says. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!!!
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  3. #3
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default life is to short

    Man life is

    so short sooner than you think you will be my age, and then you might think oh me oh my oh why o why didnt i , Life

    is to short to FUK around to valuable to waste it, i say dont worry as this accomplishes nothing positive, dont

    complain as it is a big waste of time, dont find faults and finger point its a big waste of time and bears no fruit,

    dont hang on to guilt as he is not your friend only an illusion, dont live in the past or the future as life is here

    NOW so enjoy it to the max , say what you think, and goodness me please dont be perfect who expects it , True i once

    walked past a strange girl at the bus stop she gave me that look so i turned back and said your looking at me with

    those come on eyes and it makes me want to jump on top of you she said no way, 2 weeks later i sat next to her on

    the bus and she said i have thought about it and i would like to go out with you. If i find a girl attractive i

    just tell them and say i think we should get together, its so easy most times you win and sometimes you lose and

    losing is no big deal as life is like that just forget and move on we all get rejected at times its no big deal just

    get over it after all we choose our emotions so just keep moving as long as we stay out of the box we cant go wrong,

    its all in the mind, so go and ENJOY LIVING.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Listen to



    Crack a joke about her being shy:
    "Hey! Don't make me come after you! (laugh)"


    lower the -none. I've seen many posts about that behavior related to high -none.

  5. #5
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    Very True !!

    But I just

    wish women would take this advice too !!

  6. #6
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    Be very carefull with the playing

    the dating game at work .

    Women are strange creatures , One day you'll find yourelf being called into the

    bosses office , And being accused of sexual harrasment.
    I know first hand about that subject when i was in my

    twenties . LOL

  7. #7
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    Not to mention office politics and

    future uncomfortableness.

    "Don't fish off of the company pier". I got burned once.

  8. #8
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Oh Ye All Listen To The Words Of A Wise Man

    Michael you have spoken well, and it is good that you have refreshed us all regarding becoming

    involved romantically or sexually with co workers as this is dangerous territory and can cause huge mountains to

    come up in place of small mole hills that a little infatuation can so create so we would do well to remember as some

    of the fairer sex can be as cunning and deceptive as shithouse rats, even so two can play at that game and then it

    pays to have good powers of discretion and well thought out plans and infastructure in place before proceeding if

    you decide to go down that pathway frought with exhilarating and rejuvenating hidden dangers
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 10-18-2006 at 04:46 PM. Reason: spelling correction

  9. #9
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    ^ i wish i had the balls to do

    what you say since i used to be like that.... and then all of the sudden i hit this BIG slump where i would avoid

    situations most men would DREAM OF ... i have never asked a girl out and everytime i get some one attached to me

    it seems that i try AVOID THEM without even making it a GAME ... i avoid them becuase im dependant and dont know

    what step to take next.... im VERY young and in university in a program where for every girl there are a 100 guys

    ..... also known as engineering ... which pretty much sums up the major slump i hit in my life a while back... but

    my personality got me through that yet i still lack the drive to get together with women not caring about the


  10. #10
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abcd2
    ^ i wish i had

    the balls to do what you say since i used to be like that.... and then all of the sudden i hit this BIG slump where

    i would avoid situations most men would DREAM OF ... i have never asked a girl out and everytime i get some one

    attached to me it seems that i try AVOID THEM without even making it a GAME ... i avoid them becuase im dependant

    and dont know what step to take next.... im VERY young and in university in a program where for every girl there are

    a 100 guys ..... also known as engineering ... which pretty much sums up the major slump i hit in my life a while

    back... but my personality got me through that yet i still lack the drive to get together with women not caring

    about the outcome
    Yeear abcd2 we all go through changes and slumps in our lives, when we are up there doing

    it sparkling and shining guns blazing firing with both barrels flying high were never gonna die, well we cant stay

    there forever because we are alive, and living means moving throughout the spectrum of experiences and touching upon

    the bitter and mundane, sometimes getting hurt and in doing so we in turn appreciate the sweet, and after all this

    we gain knowledge and expand our personalities and gain strengths which is a part of the reason for our

    existance.Your young and that is good and natural and there will definatelly come times when you will have females

    as friends and that is a good way to start, so when the circumstances arise get in there and be a friend and just

    act natural dont get excited about this, women are no big deal actually they are just like us only sexy and

    captivating with their feminine beauty and alluring and seemingly mysterious ways, yes a woman is made in heaven but

    then again so are we. OH sorry for rambling on getting back to you now abcd2 this is only going to be an issue if

    you make it one so just dont because the ball will roll to your side of the court soon enough, so what are you going

    to do if you have used your powers up by unproductive worry? as worry does not give productive results only

    negitives, the trick is to go out and be your own man, enjoy yourself and remember this one thing "YOU DONT HAVE TO

    BE ANYTHING EXCEPT YOU" and never go out of your way to prove your point because you dont have to prove yourself to

    anyone, if you dont feel like talking or relating to a girl or guy why bother then, you have to realize that the

    true unique you is inside of you, so go love and respect your self because you are worth it, go out and pick your

    nose or fart in the lift and scratch your balls if they are itchy, dont do these things to create an effect just be

    natural, if you get attracted to a girl tell her and remember sometimes you win and sometimes you lose and so it

    goes on and on into eternity, learn from the issues and get over them, replace them with some nice new pictures and

    projects now i go, leaving my blessing. terry0400-40

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40
    Man life

    is so short sooner than you think you will be my age, and then you might think oh me oh my oh why o why didnt i ,

    Life is to short to FUK around to valuable to waste it, i say dont worry as this accomplishes nothing positive,

    dont complain as it is a big waste of time, dont find faults and finger point its a big waste of time and bears no

    fruit, dont hang on to guilt as he is not your friend only an illusion, dont live in the past or the future as life

    is here NOW so enjoy it to the max , say what you think, and goodness me please dont be perfect who expects it ,

    True i once walked past a strange girl at the bus stop she gave me that look so i turned back and said your looking

    at me with those come on eyes and it makes me want to jump on top of you she said no way, 2 weeks later i sat next

    to her on the bus and she said i have thought about it and i would like to go out with you. If i find a girl

    attractive i just tell them and say i think we should get together, its so easy most times you win and sometimes

    you lose and losing is no big deal as life is like that just forget and move on we all get rejected at times its no

    big deal just get over it after all we choose our emotions so just keep moving as long as we stay out of the box we

    cant go wrong, its all in the mind, so go and ENJOY LIVING.
    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40

    abcd2 we all go through changes and slumps in our lives, when we are up there doing it sparkling and shining guns

    blazing firing with both barrels flying high were never gonna die, well we cant stay there forever because we are

    alive, and living means moving throughout the spectrum of experiences and touching upon the bitter and mundane,

    sometimes getting hurt and in doing so we in turn appreciate the sweet, and after all this we gain knowledge and

    expand our personalities and gain strengths which is a part of the reason for our existance.Your young and that is

    good and natural and there will definatelly come times when you will have females as friends and that is a good way

    to start, so when the circumstances arise get in there and be a friend and just act natural dont get excited about

    this, women are no big deal actually they are just like us only sexy and captivating with their feminine beauty and

    alluring and seemingly mysterious ways, yes a woman is made in heaven but then again so are we. OH sorry for

    rambling on getting back to you now abcd2 this is only going to be an issue if you make it one so just dont because

    the ball will roll to your side of the court soon enough, so what are you going to do if you have used your powers

    up by unproductive worry? as worry does not give productive results only negitives, the trick is to go out and be

    your own man, enjoy yourself and remember this one thing "YOU DONT HAVE TO BE ANYTHING EXCEPT YOU" and never go out

    of your way to prove your point because you dont have to prove yourself to anyone, if you dont feel like talking or

    relating to a girl or guy why bother then, you have to realize that the true unique you is inside of you, so go love

    and respect your self because you are worth it, go out and pick your nose or fart in the lift and scratch your balls

    if they are itchy, dont do these things to create an effect just be natural, if you get attracted to a girl tell her

    and remember sometimes you win and sometimes you lose and so it goes on and on into eternity, learn from the issues

    and get over them, replace them with some nice new pictures and projects now i go, leaving my blessing.

    Hey Terry...just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading what you wrote. Thanks.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeepItReal
    OK, I'm

    getting on great with this really hot chick at work - in fact she's doing most of the chasing ...... but now, for

    some reason she virtually hides or runs away from me every time I see her !! However, at the same time I have seen

    her stealing glances at me from behind a filing cabinet or staring at me from across the room ..... ??

    Is it


    a) major mone OD !

    b) I said/did something stupid and now she has decided she doesn't want anything

    to do with me ?

    c) she is crazy about me but has heard some bullshit about me from somebody else


    she's playing hard to get and wants me to make some forward moves

    e) she is embarrassed about coming on so

    strong from the start

    f) she is upset that I haven't asked her out yet

    g) she has met somebody else

    now and doesn't want me to ask her out now cos she would have top turn me down

    etc etc ???


    My guess is she already has a man is feeling guilty about flirting with another guy so she avoids you.I

    speak from experience from messing around with my friends wife.

  13. #13
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    Dude !! Your friends wife !!

    That's not right man !! So tell us the juicy details !!

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeepItReal
    Dude !!

    Your friends wife !! That's not right man !! So tell us the juicy details !!
    Yes she started coming on to me

    by playing footsies with me under the table while we were eating dinner.She asked for my number and started calling

    me so we messed around.She was the quiet type who acted like the "innocent good wife" but she was the type who would

    be a freak.We would meet at different places.Her husband was ignoring her her and she wanted attention.But then she

    starts feeling guilty about her kids and all.So when I would come to their house she would ignore me,not say hi,and

    atreated me like I was scum but she still wanted me.Thats what women do act one way when they really feel the

    opposite.In the end she sold me out and told her husband that I came onto her and showed him a poem that I had

    written for her.Our friendship ended I tried to explain to him that she started the whole thing but he was obligated

    to believe her and was in denial that his wife would ever cheat on him.I still am bitter because she didn't take

    ANY RESPONSIBILITY for her actions and used me as a scapegoat.But what goes around comes around and maybe one day he

    will realize his wife's deceitful ways.I wouldn't be surprised if she did it before or will do it again with

    another guy.

  15. #15
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    Hell yes !! They act one way

    when really they feel the opposite !!

    WTF !! Why can't women ever be straight forward and honest about shit


  16. #16
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    KEEPITREAL men have been

    seeking the answer to that question since the Bible days.

  17. #17
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    terry is a good bloke, your a

    good bloke terry!!! good ol fashion australian!!!

    he speaks his mind and is honest

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by platinumfox
    Yes she

    started coming on to me by playing footsies with me under the table while we were eating dinner.She asked for my

    number and started calling me so we messed around.She was the quiet type who acted like the "innocent good wife" but

    she was the type who would be a freak.We would meet at different places.Her husband was ignoring her her and she

    wanted attention.But then she starts feeling guilty about her kids and all.So when I would come to their house she

    would ignore me,not say hi,and atreated me like I was scum but she still wanted me.Thats what women do act one way

    when they really feel the opposite.In the end she sold me out and told her husband that I came onto her and showed

    him a poem that I had written for her.Our friendship ended I tried to explain to him that she started the whole

    thing but he was obligated to believe her and was in denial that his wife would ever cheat on him.I still am bitter

    because she didn't take ANY RESPONSIBILITY for her actions and used me as a scapegoat.But what goes around comes

    around and maybe one day he will realize his wife's deceitful ways.I wouldn't be surprised if she did it before or

    will do it again with another guy.

    in my experience, girls act the same even if you won't have sex

    with your friend's girlfriend.... if they give you the opportunity and a very clear message and you'll pass up on

    it.... trouble awaits.... soon your friend even starts avoiding you.

  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Have to agree, if you reject

    a girl you are probably done just about the same as if you accepted her.

    Which means her hubby probably still

    would drift out of contact with you since she never wanted to hang out with you any more and would set up other

    couple things to do.

    Looking at this from a pheromone point of view, humans have certain wired programs whether

    they want to admit them or not. They do what they have to do, then "conciousness" riding on the surface picks

    reasons why they did it.

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