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Thread: Suggestions?

  1. #1
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    Default Suggestions?

    First off, let me say

    hello. Stumbled upon this site a while ago and have been pretty interested since. Anyways, a little about me (from

    reading other posts, this info seems pretty crucial).

    I'm a 19 year old college student who isn't necessarily

    looking for sex (definite plus, though), but rather a way to more easily attract girls (perhaps get some flirting,

    some phone numbers, etc.). I would say I'm in more of the "cute" range with girls (I'm definitely not ugly, but

    I'm definitely not amazingly beautiful). I don't really have TOO much trouble talking to girls, so I think I'm

    alright in that department. (If you need more info, just ask.)

    I ordered a bottle of NPA a few weeks ago. I would

    say I'm definitely in the early stages of testing, and from what I've read, I'm trying to keep the use to a

    minimum (because I'm young). I mix it with Nautica's Voyage cologne, and it seems to cover it up fairly well (I

    use about a 6:1 ratio of cologne:NPA, and just dab it on behind the ears and and the neck/jaw). I was at a party the

    other night, and I seemed to be noticed fairly well (again, more testing will need to happen).

    As my luck goes, I

    accidentally tipped my bottle over. So there went more than half of the bottle. Since I use little of it, it should

    last me a pretty long time, regardless. However, I was thinking of trying something different when the NPA runs out

    (or perhaps a bit sooner). I was thinking of trying the Chikara cologne, with perhaps some SOE (I'm not sure

    whether I should go with the gel packs or the roll top bottle), as I've read this seems to be a good


    However, again, from what I've read on here, my age somewhat affects how much I should use (should I even

    add the SOE in with the Chikara if I go that route?). Or perhaps there are some alternative suggestions?

    Any and

    all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Hi scout..

    would say to first do some more testing..
    A good approach to testing is always to start slow and build uo untill

    you see OD effects.. Start with that ratio you use now, and then try using larger doses day by day, or each second

    day and when you see OD reactions go back to the ratio that gave the best results..

    About the chikira.. It's

    given some people good results but again I would say don't go for what have worked for others.. Look at how NPA

    works for you.. If it doesn't do much for you, you have to figure out what mones will do the job for ya.. So test a

    little more with NPA first and then decide from those results seen..
    But if you choose to use Chikira, it's fair

    because it's a good alround I think.. Many see talkative results and many also sexual so I seems many get results

    in either case (not all the results they wanted)..
    The gels is good for testing shortly, but they aren't as

    powerfull as the bottle..
    SOE again there's the gels good for short initial testing and then you could get the

    roll on..
    When I say initial testing I mean it's good to test each product by it self because you can be sure of

    the results from that product.. Plus you can see the dosages needed to get good results or if you get any results at

    When you know what products works and how much needed to work by themselfes I would try mixing them.. Beware

    as the ratios often vary when mixing them..

    But remember to choose a product with the mones you need..

  3. #3
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forums, we

    are glad to have you!

    Ok as workingman said test the NPA thoroughly to see if it work for you. I would recommend

    at least 4 (if not more) days at each level before increasing the testing. I was once new and anxious as all of us

    and screwed up (and almost gave up) because I wasn't patient with my testing and therefore never got any consistent

    Ok, in regards to what to try next if None doesn't work for you. First let me say that I highly

    recommend trying different things if you can afford it as you never know what your chemistry may be lacking. Next

    ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish from mone usage? It seems like your looking for something flirty

    which to means smiles and giggles from a girl. I have found SOE to be very good for this but if your personality

    doen't reflect an alpha like status then SOE may put you into the friends zone very quickly.

    Nice job providing

    us with some details to allow us to better answer your questions. I'm sure you know from your research that mones

    aren't a cure all but just a small part of the equation so tell us a little more about your personality that keeps

    you from getting these numbers and what happens when you talk to these girls and we will better be able to assist

    you. Also mention if your a physical person (weight lifting, sports, etc...) and that can help us determine if you

    need none at all.

  4. #4
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    Hey, sorry for not getting back to

    ya sooner. This was the only time in the last few days I could check back.

    First and foremost, thank you for the

    help you guys have given so far. Truly appreciate it. As far as being physically active, I've been lifting pretty

    consistently over the past month or so (about 4-5 times a week) along with some running and biking mixed in.


    for my personality, I'm definitely a friendly type. I wouldn't say bubbly, but I definitely smile a lot, and in

    general I just like to have a good time, never being TOO serious (except at times when I need to be). Not "too

    serious" in the sense of being immature, though. I'm not bouncing off the walls or anything. I'm pretty much laid

    back and take things as they are.

    And as for reflecting an alpha status, I wouldn't say too much at all. I think

    for that, though, it means just me working on it (not being too afraid/too much of a follower).

    I will definitely

    continue to test out the NPA, as I know testing is pretty much THE thing in figuring out the best mix, etc. I just

    made a 5:1 ratio (same as before, with a dab behind the ears, and on the jaw and wrists). I have a good chance to

    really test it out this weekend, so I'll see if it works or not.

    Thanks again for all your help!


  5. #5
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Your welcome for the


    Ok, keep testing the NPA and gradually work your way up to OD (if you don't know the effects do a forum

    search), and that will tell you the maximum amount that you should use. Typically someone your age and physical

    shape doesn't need any none added but then again we are all different.

    So your not the alpha type, no big deal

    it's always something that you can work towards if you want to. You say you have no problems talking to girls but

    can't get any further so I need to ask you 2 questions.
    1) Do you approach these girls are your own that your

    referring to, or are they introduced to you?
    2) Do you actually ask them for their numbers and if yes what do they


  6. #6
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlboro_man

    welcome for the help.

    Ok, keep testing the NPA and gradually work your way up to OD (if you don't know the

    effects do a forum search), and that will tell you the maximum amount that you should use.
    Typically someone

    your age and physical shape doesn't need any none added but then again we are all

    I would say that the forum search isn't gonna do much.. Because as Marlboro already

    "but then again we are all different."
    So just do the testing till you hit OD-levels.. You

    will notice very easy!
    Because in regards of OD-levels it's very different.. Some people can't take one dab, and

    others can bathe in it..
    So try it out for yourself first and then you'll find out...

  7. #7
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMann
    I would

    say that the forum search isn't gonna do much.. Because as Marlboro already said:
    "but then again we are all

    So just do the testing till you hit OD-levels.. You will notice very easy!
    Because in regards

    of OD-levels it's very different.. Some people can't take one dab, and others can bathe in it..
    So try it out for

    yourself first and then you'll find out...
    No I think you misunderstood what I meant. I was saying do a

    forum search for what OD effects are not how much causes OD. I didn't feel like listing all the possible

    side effects.

  8. #8
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlboro_man
    No I

    think you misunderstood what I meant. I was saying do a forum search for what OD effects are not how much

    causes OD. I didn't feel like listing all the possible side effects.
    Ohh yes! You're right then.. I

    Point taken, and then I would agree totally with Marlboro on this one..

    Btw. Marlboro -

    Have you seen my reply on you post in Open Discussion about NLP?

  9. #9
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMann

    Marlboro - Have you seen my reply on you post in Open Discussion about NLP?
    Yep, I through my 2 cents in

    for ya.

  10. #10
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    Hey, sorry again for the late

    reply, but hey, I brought some good news.

    I was able to test out a 5:1 ratio this weekend, and boy, did it

    work great. I got nothing but complements from girls on how I smelled. They kept leaning in for a closer smell, too.

    I think it would be safe to assume that it played a part in getting me to the next step (they really wouldn't shut

    up about how good I smelled)

    A lot of the time, I would say girls are introduced to me. However,

    pretty recently (and especially after last weekend), I definitely feel I have much more confidence in general.

    I've been talking to a few girls in my classes, but it hasn't quite gotten to the "numbers" stage yet (no, I

    won't just sit on my ass and wait for it, but I just don't think the timing is quite right yet).

    So far,

    I'm pretty happy with the results. My next batch I'll mix a 4:1 ratio, and see if that gives me any negative

    reactions. But as of now, 5:1 seems to be working fine. But again, more testing would need to be done.


    I've decided to try some of the SOE gel packs when I run out of NPA (again, won't be for a while unless I get

    extremely antsy for some reason). I figure why not give it a try, and see how it works out.



  11. #11
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    Glad to hear things are going

    well, let us know how the 4:1 combo works. I received my gel packs today and the SOE gel pack was the first i opened

    not to mention it's the first pheromone product I ever smelled, it was very pleasant reminded me of a fresh cologne

    scent. I started with 1/3 a pack and I'll work up. Keep up the hits!

  12. #12
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    I Got a NEWbie Question!!

    Anyway... what is meant by the "ratios"? sorry for the stupid question.. but its just one less

    stupid question ima ask.. thanx again! and I love this site! (BTW) I just ordered some chikara gel packs.. so

    i'll be letting u peeps know how the results will be once it comes in the mail.. :P

  13. #13
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Congrats on your results

    Scout! Don't be afraid to ask for that number though cause if you miss the right time you will be in LJBF land.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEEL-RESERVE
    I Got

    a NEWbie Question!! Woohoooo!
    Anyway... what is meant by the "ratios"? sorry for the stupid question.. but

    its just one less stupid question ima ask.. thanx again! and I love this site! (BTW) I just ordered some

    chikara gel packs.. so i'll be letting u peeps know how the results will be once it comes in the mail..

    Ratio's are just what they mean in the English language. Ex. 4 parts something to 1 part other is

    equal to 80% the first thing and 20% the second thing.

  15. #15
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    cool! thanx man!

  16. #16
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    Oh, also, before I forget:


    people use SOE packs, they say they apply 12 inches or whatever. Does this mean they just make a 12-inch line with

    the stuff on each arm or something?

    Thanks again,

  17. #17
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    I think the X-inch application

    terms of SOE usage refers to the rollon aka the bottled version of SOE. When people use the gel packs including

    myself i would just state how much of a pack I used and where(neck, temple, etc.).

  18. #18
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The GQ
    I think the

    X-inch application terms of SOE usage refers to the rollon aka the bottled version of SOE. When people use the gel

    packs including myself i would just state how much of a pack I used and where(neck, temple, etc.).
    GQ is

    right on the money.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlboro_man
    GQ is right

    on the money.
    Glad I can help!

  20. #20
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    Mini update, I guess.


    NPA+Cologne combo seems to be working pretty well so far. Girls have begun to talk it up, so I see that as a good

    sign (I even got a couple numbers this weekend).

    I just ordered 10 packets of SOE, so once I receive those, I'll

    try them out (not with the combo, but alone). I'm not sure how much/where to apply it though. I was going to start

    with 1/3 of a packet, perhaps on my wrist/jawline. Once I find a good amount, I was thinking of maybe trying an

    SOE+NPA combo (from what I've read, it can be pretty killer) Any ideas?

    Thanks again,

  21. #21
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Good spots are always placed

    that get's hot and aren't covered.. Fx. your neck on the pulsepoints because the heat from your blood makes it

    hotter than other places on your body (I would produme this) and it's best not to cover it as the phero smell must

    be availabe to the "target"..
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

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