Quote Originally Posted by CuriousNewb
While Geogi's

post inspired my comments, I did not single him out - his are noto the only ones raising the concern.


not a PC type of person.

I find it difficult to understand why pheromone usage requires us to want to reduce

one another to mindless sex seekers, or why anyone would want such - so I do not understand your point about

pheromone usage mitigating good manners.

And - there are very few women in the women's forum. If indeed men

are allowed to behave any which way in the regular forum, but men must only behave in the women's forum then I see

why women don't stay. After all- the other forum doesn't say "Men's Forum" - it says Pheromone discussion - and

in fact - is where most indepth discussion of pheromones happen without regard for gender - women pretty much HAVE

to go there for further understanding - if they want to talk about anything other than "The Women's Product."

I understand from a business perspective, the desire to let men act however they are going to act in the

discussion of Pheromones - but I find it discouraging that some men think so poorly of



You didn't quote which post(s) exhibited the attitude that you

attributed to women's non-participation in this forum. I didn't think that any of the other posts in this thread

were especially easy to perceive as being exemplary of having any "attitude" towards women besides the one that

imagined them as sows. My mistake I suppose.

Good manners and the concept of political correctness are two

very different things. No where in MY post did I suggest that anyone who uses pheromones should be anything other

than mannerly. You can read whatever you want into people's posts, but don't try attributing YOUR interpretations

to their attitude. I've seen this too many times before. The words in the quote above about "mindless sex seekers"

and "pheromone usage mitigating good manners" are yours, not mine.

There is no "business perspective" in the

running of this forum as far as the moderators go. It is a volunteer position. The task is to encourage the free

expression of ideas.

If you have a problem with someone's attitude, you're welcome to discuss it or ignore

it. Your choice. But there will not be censoring of this forum for what some see as offensive attitudes.


now it's time to get back on topic. You are welcome to start a thread about men's attitudes towards women in the

Open Discussion forum, but this thread is about Androstadienone and its effects on women.
