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  1. #1
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    Default Where Is Pheros??!!



    I couldn't find it on the product page. Please don't tell me it's gone. NO!! Best cologne ever!!

    Of the two bottles I bought last time, I still have about half a bottle left of mine but that's not going to last

    forever. Please help.

  2. #2
    Phero Guru
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    Default I too hope it's

    going to be

    available, down to 1/4 bottle left. I only use it for special occasions.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  3. #3
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    We should be getting more in a week

    or two. I'll keep you posted as news develops.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  4. #4
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    Phew. No biggie, it'll be

    back eventually. I was worried it might be gone for good. Thanks for the help and responses.

  5. #5
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Yes, it's true. I stashed

    away one last naughty batch of Pheros. It has not touched air, heat or light for a couple years.

    I dug it

    out of storage the other day and it smells fine, musky as hell, like something from Cleopatra's tomb.

    I'm gearing up the lab and various kinds of equipment now. There's more to it than you'd think. There are a lot

    of ducks to get in a row that haven't been single file in a while.

    For example, the supplier of the original,

    unique lids has since gone out of business. We may have to use generic lids, but the labels don't fit on those.

    There are plenty of the classic spherical bottles left, fortunately. Right now, I'm preparing perfumer's alcohol,

    which takes a while to make right, to achieve proper fixation and diffusion. I'm also looking for the precise

    ratios of water to alcohol in my old notes. But all that has to be determined anew anyway, since those should vary

    with the age of the concoction. That means you have to bottle some with different ratios, let them set, and test

    them on guinea pigs. There are a number of other minor issues to resolve, but they add up.

    So I'm thinking

    more 2-3 weeks at this point, at the earliest, barring unforseen events.

    I'm of course happy and grateful for

    the opportunity to engage in such good work. But keep your fingers crossed. I'll let you ladies and gentlemen know

    what develops.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  6. #6
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    Doc, you have just made my day! I

    can just picture you in your secret lab, wearing a cape and mixing up batches of the stuff. How sneaky of you to

    keep a batch of your magic formula tucked away after all this time. You may very well be a marketing genius as well

    as a smellsmith.

  7. #7
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    I wore Pheros both Fri

    night and again on Sunday while meeting with 2 different swingers couples (got lucky Fri night with some 30

    somethings and unlucky on Sunday with some late 40 somethings). What struck me most is that Pheros really makes me

    feel comfortable and happy with myself (which I usually am anyways but the Pheros amplifies those feelings). It's

    not exactly a weed buzz but it's a very nice buzz.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  8. #8
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  9. #9
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default *Pheros* and mood

    Yep; it's

    definitely psychoactive, due to the countless, natural plant pheromone analogs, and real mammalian animal pheromones

    (the complex pheromones mammals really use to mate in nature, not the single chemicals scientists think are

    pheromones, though Pheros contains trace amounts of those too just to round things out).

    It also

    contains other medicinal substances, such as fresh, raw valerian root and two kids of valerian EO; from all of which

    valium can be derived. Valerian also contain substances, in extremely high concentrations, found in human sweat ,

    primarily isovalerianic acid, which makes feet smell. I consider it a human pheromone, probably having its primary

    effect on comfort; familiar feelings, and trust (think about it, bare footsteps indicate where home is);

    though chemically it's more like a unisex copulin, a fatty acid like other copulins. In small concentrations, it's

    just another nice musk note.

    But I defy anyone to purchase some high quality valerian EO and leave it open on

    your dresser. It's like EW, possibly worse, such is the concentration of isovalerianic acid. I store it with my

    original supply of chem lab EW, the concentrated kind people use to put on rubber gloves for, and the valerian

    stinks just as bad if I open the box. But if you inhale some valerian EO deeply, you will feel immediately very

    relaxed, like not having a care in the world. You will also feel like, "OH GOD SOMEBODY OPEN A WINDOW, THOSE ARE

    SOME ROTTEN FEET". Such is the world of pheromones.

    Anyone can prove the psychoactivity of Pheros,

    immediately, just by smelling it deeply. (By that time, they no longer need to see research studies saying it does

    something. Science is for uncertain things, not things we are already certain about). It's a pleasant,

    mildly intoxicating effect for most, not a headachey or toxic kind of feeling. Nature is kind like that.


    get a strong, pleasant effect. If anything, it might be stronger in it's pleasurableness for women, though I'm not

    entirely certain about it. The most intense reports of obsessive smelling fits have come from women, at least. So I

    consider it unisex, with a tilt toward women getting more pleasure from it. That might mean it's slightly better

    for romance worn by men, but slightly better for mood uplifting worn by women.

    It's fun talking about some of

    the 150 "mysterious" substances that make up Pheros.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 06-25-2007 at 07:46 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  10. #10
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    From using Pheros, I definitely

    agree that it's psychoactive. I have felt both the romantic and mood uplifting and even more effects.

    received so many compliments about how good Pheros smelled (although I usually wear pheros and mones together, I've

    gotten compliments the couple times I've only weared Pheros too).
    DST, could you keep us posted if there ends up

    being any difference, whether ingredient wise or effect wise with the new batch? Do you plan to continue to make

    Pheros after this? I hope you will always make it.
    I recommend people treating it like mones and starting with one

    drop, etc. It's really a great product.

  11. #11
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I might add a small

    amount of additional muskrat musk to the alcohol, as part of the fixative for the alcohol, in addition to a standard

    natural alcohol fixative I used last time. You don't want the alcohol to evaporate too fast. It will make no

    difference in the smell. There is already muskrat musk in the perfume anyway (oops, revealed another ingredient),

    though it is by no means the prominent musk note. Muskrat lends a depth in the bass range no other substance on

    earth can add -- a "subwoofer of scent". Other than that there will be no ingredient differences.

    No, I will not

    be making more Pheros. This is the last of the last batch. The recipe was never kept, and I couldn't locate

    all the 150 ingredients in the same quality if I tried. It's like a vintage wine. A snapshot in time. There can

    only be one batch.

    So get your bottles if you want them.

    Which reminds me, incidentally; there is no

    financial advantage for me to "talk up" Pheros; or to ask people to buy it (someone once suggested that I was

    here primarily to market my product -- that person said he was here mainly for that reason, and apparently didn't

    understand. I'm here because I love women, and was here long before I had a product.). One Bruce buys the little I

    have left, which he has already ordered, I've made all the money I'll ever make from it. Even if it sells like

    hotcakes, Bruce can never order more, and I'm currently offering no other products. There is no concrete reason for

    me to care what anyone thinks about the product (emotional reasons, yes). In fact, I never cared that much how much

    it sold, because I thought it would eventually sell out, and knew I'd never sell more after that. Plus, it was

    always a strange concoction for pheromone and scent connoisseurs; not really intended for the mainstream. It was a

    labor of love. I'm just happy that people all over the world are using it; that its vibe is out there.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 06-26-2007 at 12:56 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  12. #12
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    When can we expect this

    wonder potion? I've finally come to money as I'm not in school anymore and doesn't have to live by the little

    funding the state gives us.. I get double the money on half the time, so now I get 4 times as much on a month as

    when in school..

    And for some time I've been a little sad because I couldn't afford Pheros at that time as I

    had little means already but now when I get the chance I would love to get some (now when I can afford it


    I've always wanted to try it out but was just to expensive for my budget at that time.. So now when

    I can afford it I will be looking forward to testing it out and see how it works.. Because over the last couple of

    years people have said many great things about it so will be looking forward to experiencing it myself

    when I now have my chance (my last chance) I wouldn't miss it for anything..!!
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  13. #13
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    someone once

    suggested that I was here primarily to market my product
    That person most likely never researched any

    of your post to find the thousands of thoughtful advice about all different topics in this forum.

    That's a

    downer that there won't be any more pheros . I'm thinking of picking up a couple bottles, correct me if I'm

    wrong but I remember you mentioned before that if stored relatively safely the bottle should be good for a certain

    number of years, but I forgot how long you said. How long should a bottle I buy be good for? If forever, you might

    as well send the whole shipment to me so I can use them or sell them for 20 times cost, j/k, I really

    like Pheros though.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post

    it's definitely psychoactive, due to the countless, natural plant pheromone analogs, and real mammalian animal

    pheromones (the complex pheromones mammals really use to mate in nature, not the single chemicals scientists think

    are pheromones, though Pheros contains trace amounts of those too just to round things out).

    It also

    contains other medicinal substances, such as fresh, raw valerian root and two kids of valerian EO; from all of which

    valium can be derived. Valerian also contain substances, in extremely high concentrations, found in human sweat ,

    primarily isovalerianic acid, which makes feet smell. I consider it a human pheromone, probably having its primary

    effect on comfort; familiar feelings, and trust (think about it, bare footsteps indicate where home is);

    though chemically it's more like a unisex copulin, a fatty acid like other copulins. In small concentrations, it's

    just another nice musk note.

    But I defy anyone to purchase some high quality valerian EO and leave it open on

    your dresser. It's like EW, possibly worse, such is the concentration of isovalerianic acid. I store it with my

    original supply of chem lab EW, the concentrated kind people use to put on rubber gloves for, and the valerian

    stinks just as bad if I open the box. But if you inhale some valerian EO deeply, you will feel immediately very

    relaxed, like not having a care in the world. You will also feel like, "OH GOD SOMEBODY OPEN A WINDOW, THOSE ARE

    SOME ROTTEN FEET". Such is the world of pheromones.

    Anyone can prove the psychoactivity of Pheros,

    immediately, just by smelling it deeply. (By that time, they no longer need to see research studies saying it does

    something. Science is for uncertain things, not things we are already certain about). It's a pleasant,

    mildly intoxicating effect for most, not a headachey or toxic kind of feeling. Nature is kind like that.


    get a strong, pleasant effect. If anything, it might be stronger in it's pleasurableness for women, though I'm not

    entirely certain about it. The most intense reports of obsessive smelling fits have come from women, at least. So I

    consider it unisex, with a tilt toward women getting more pleasure from it. That might mean it's slightly better

    for romance worn by men, but slightly better for mood uplifting worn by women.

    It's fun talking about some of

    the 150 "mysterious" substances that make up Pheros.
    I use valerian root as a sleep aid (Thanks,

    Fight Club!), and boy, it does smell. Even stinky pheromones don't smell as bad to me as the valerian root. Feet

    pretty much does describe the scent.

  15. #15
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanrudy View Post

    person most likely never researched any of your post to find the thousands of thoughtful advice about all different

    topics in this forum.

    That's a downer that there won't be any more pheros . I'm thinking of picking up a

    couple bottles, correct me if I'm wrong but I remember you mentioned before that if stored relatively safely the

    bottle should be good for a certain number of years, but I forgot how long you said. How long should a bottle I buy

    be good for? If forever, you might as well send the whole shipment to me so I can use them or sell them for 20 times

    cost, j/k, I really like Pheros though.
    I never said, because I never knew. The risk with

    Pheros is that I've never known much about its "shelf life". It''s an all natural product, and I have no

    idea. I found nothing in any literature. I do know it's important to keep it away from heat, light, impurities

    (clean hands, etc.) and excessive air (oxidation). If you do that, I think at least the musk notes in it -- the most

    important and unique element for our purposes, and stubborn fixatives -- would last a pretty long while. Musk keeps

    it's scent for a couple thousand years if preserved. Maybe the top notes would weaken, and the bass notes

    would mostly stay intact. I don't know. The key is to not corrupt it by any of the above means.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  16. #16
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You'll remember, Doc, that I

    mentioned having an unopened bottle I was letting age? Still have it. It's been kept on it's side in a dark place

    and not disturbed for quite some time now. I pulled it out yesterday and looked at it. Some brown matter had settled

    out of it and formed a lump in the bottom. A gentle shaking and the liquid became cloudy, everything suspended

    again. I'm going to give it at least another year before I open it, see what happens. I don't expect anything bad

    because the alcohol in it will prevent bacteria from growing. Otherwise, any guesses?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  17. #17
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    The brown lumpy stuff was the

    raw valerian herb and some resins, like vanilla, that left undissolved residue. It looks gross. I decided not to

    filter it because I thought the filtering I tried during the testing phase affected the smell.

    The alcohol

    protects only against bacteria, but not the other things I mentioned. An impurity works its way though a perfume and

    changes everything, for example.

    I hope it will be fine. A lot depends on previous exposure to things while you

    were actively using it. The clear bottle wasn't my first choice, since it doesn't block light. How much light was

    it exposed to?

    It's probably not true that an organic scent wouldn't change at all, probably in the form of

    the bottom notes coalescing more but the top notes perhaps receeding more; the whole thing mellowing. That would be

    my educated guess. The master supply, which has been sequestered away in concentrated form, in a cool, dark, air

    tight environment, smells (literally) more musky now than it used to. Even the top note is musky.

    So far, I

    like the age effect fine, since my favorite thing about Pheros was always the complex musk note. I'm going

    to test it further before I ship it, after dilution of the concentrate. I will let you know then if I have other

    conclusions about the effects of age.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  18. #18
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post

    might add a small amount of additional muskrat musk to the alcohol, as part of the fixative for the alcohol,

    in addition to a standard natural alcohol fixative I used last time.
    Ok. I decided not to add more

    muskrat, because I got an idea. What I did instead is took all the fixated perfuming alcohol and poured it into an

    old, empty vat where my aged, rare, Mysore sandalwood was stored! (Yum! I'm smelling the alcohol on my hands as we

    speak. It's good.). I'm hoping that will support the woody note on top a little bit, since the volatile alcohol

    note will now be sandalwood flavored. Hopefully, that was the best decision, since adding extra sandalwood on top

    was my original "Aha" plan with Pheros.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  19. #19
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You missed what I said. It is a

    sealed bottle, unopened from the day I recieved it. It isn't exposed to light at all but kept in a cool, dark

    place. If it was exposed at all it was before it got to me. I put it away when it arrived.

    I don't expect an

    organic scent to stay the same, that's why I put it away. The alcohol should protect it from bacterial issues and

    the cool dark place should protect against anything else. The Aloeswood in it should age nicely, as should the musk

    oil. The rest I haven't a clue about but still don't expect anything bad. Could be wrong, it wouldn't be the

    first time but am looking forward to opening it in another year.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  20. #20
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    My bad. I hadn't realized you

    bought an extra bottle. I knew you had used Pheros for a while, and so I assumed you'd opened it. Now I see

    you wrote it that way. Senility plus two fingers of Kentucky Bourbon is not a good combo, evidently.


    intuition is that the more water (and to a lesser extent, alcohol) you have, the less aging you have in the sense of

    a good wine aging. It does age well in water to a certain point, however, in that the water brings out qualities the

    alcohol could not, and dissolves things in a way the alcohol could not. Pheros was probably better after it

    was bought by somebody than it was when I bottled it, to a point.

    What that exact point is, I can't tell you.

    Somehow I doubt it matures much in water past a year, but I could be wrong. Keep in mind this is the only perfume I

    have sold commmercially, so I am guessing.

    When I bottle it for sale, I dilute it. It is bottled with the idea

    of being used; not to age, per se. If I want something to age I keep it concentrated. The master Pheros

    concentrate I stored had a better chance to age productively, I'd guess.

    So I have no idea what your experiment

    will do. My intuition is that there are enough interesting, relatively ageless, ingredients in there, such as oud

    and musk, that it should be still useful. But I wouldn't expect the oud to age past a certain point, for example.

    Yesterday I smelled some oud eau de toilette I made years ago, before Pheros. It was in lots of water.

    It still smelled fine, but not better than it originally did, to my nose.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  21. #21
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    A while back I bought some pure

    Oud that had aged about 30 years. It was supposed to have been a good Indian oud in the first place, the aging

    process made it more complex and mellower. I regret having only bought one bottle of it, wonderful stuff.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  22. #22
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Doc when do you expect to

    have something for us? And how much are you planning on making? Just an estimate..
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  23. #23
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post

    When I bottle it for sale, I dilute it. It is bottled with the idea of being used; not to age, per se. If I want

    something to age I keep it concentrated. The master Pheros concentrate I stored had a better chance to age

    productively, I'd guess.

    So how about a "Limited Edition" bottling of some

    concentrate for those of us who plan to have some PHEROS entombed with us in our sarcophagi?


    anthropologists some millenia from now unearthing the bottle and inhaling its rich, deep aroma.

    You could be

    pissing away your best shot at "immortality" if you dilute the whole batch.


  24. #24
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscar View Post

    So how about a "Limited Edition" bottling of some concentrate for those of us who plan to have some PHEROS

    entombed with us in our sarcophagi?

    Imagine anthropologists some millenia from now unearthing the bottle and

    inhaling its rich, deep aroma.

    You could be pissing away your best shot at "immortality" if you dilute the whole


    I could make no guarantees how the concentrate would age, either. But entombing

    some is an interesting idea.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  25. #25
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    Doc, are you going to use the cork

    again or a regular lid? I found the cork made Pheros hard to travel with, I lost what was left in the bottle last

    summer on a trip where it became uncorked in my bag.

  26. #26
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear about your

    spilled product! It was probably bound to happen to somebody, although you're the first I've heard of. Corks are

    normally fairly reliable, within reason. When I travelled with mine, which was constantly at one point, I kept it in

    my breast pocket and nothing ever spilled. I'd never put it in a gym bag where shoes could hit it or something,

    unless there was a secure side pocket. But even then, bags get jostled around a lot. Although corks don't leak,

    they can certainly be pried off by various random objects.

    Once I dropped a bottle of Pheros in a bar,

    scenting the whole room, however. At the time I wrote on the forum that a woman took her shirt off in the middle of

    the bar and showed everyone her tits that night.

    No, I'm not using the beautiful, artistic, miniature cork.

    Instead I'm using a boring, generic, black lid.

    I'm trying to tell myself it looks cute on the

    spherical bottle. I'm getting used to it.

    The perfuming alcohol has almost matured, and smells pretty nice.

    (It's similar to making rum or something). I've been smelling my hands repeatedly that have dried alcohol on them.

    I haven't even added the perfume yet.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  27. #27
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    The romance of the cork is being

    lost even here! Opening a bottle of wine is merely a mundane chore now. Perhaps a special cork edition of


  28. #28
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    You still don't know

    when this magic potion should be ready to arrive at LS?
    I just wanna know how long approx. I would wait and when to

    look for it so I could get me some of the last wonderjuice
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  29. #29
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMann View Post

    You still don't know when this magic potion should be ready to arrive at LS?

    just wanna know how long approx. I would wait and when to look for it so I could get me some of the last wonderjuice

    Maybe another two weeks?
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  30. #30
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    - Bruce, do you think you could

    start a "pre-sale" list for those of us who want to buy some? I for one would be willing to put 50% down.


    DST, what about Oscar's idea of a special edition concentrate? with a cork stopper?

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