

Although this is my first post i made the effort in researching the forum on information and possible

answers to my questions. Just taking the step up to the podium to get answers directed to me and my

situation/characteristics/chemistry and all that jazz.
Just to fill you all in a little about me, i'm 19

years old, 6'4, 185 lbs. I often get compliments on my looks. I put myself in the middle of any situation, so i'm

thinking it puts me into somewhat of a leader state. People enjoy being around me and i have a good

Anyways, as you can see my title aquires what i have bought and what i currently own. I've researched

on these products, but havn't had enough experimentation with them to find what works with my chemistry.
Now, i'm

awaiting to setup a date with a girl who is completely gorgious to me. If you can imagine, a very outgoing gorgious

girl skater-ish type. Snowboards etc...
From what i've heard alot of people like and alot of people dislike

Chikara. Saying it's hit and miss, but if used at close range it is concidered to leave great first impressions,

and is good for finding those long lasting, bonding relationships..is this true i wonder? it's from what i've

heard..so for now i'm sticking with that in the mix, since it's the only nol i got.
AE i've heard works with the

younger crouds, which sounds good to me.
TE i've heard works for mostly the older croud, so i wasn't sure if i

should even be using it?
Now, concidering i have Chikara in a bottle, a hard to OD mone i've found for

myself, i think three sprays is pretty stable.
Now, i'm just wondering of certain mixes i could use for this date.

I was thinking Chikara and AE and TE. But not sure as to how much of the gel packs i should use in the mix. Since

both TE and AE carry a-NONE, it seems ideal that you would lower the dosage of TE or AE you would use alone in a

Chikara mix.

Also, any ideas on mixes of AE/TE gels.
AE Gel dosage mixed with Chikara?
and what Chikara + TE

does for a guy at my age and chemistry?

thanks, and if i come up with any other questions i'll be sure to post


This was just winged, so not sure if i missed anything. thank you.