Hello everyone, I have a question. I've bought AE before, and even with different doses I never got any results.

(I'm a 17 year old and I've worn this at school, at a friend's party where I didn't know anybody except that

friend, bigger parties, all kinds of situations and I've never had any beside the ordinary reactions from people.

Definitely not negative, but not overly positive either.)

Now, before I want to write off pheromone products for

not working for me, I'm considering probably buying SOE and The Edge, cause these two seem to cause pretty specific

effects, and are different enough to both be worth buying. I'd try them both seperately and then together probably.

I wonder though, if I should buy the Edge with scent, or without. If I buy it with scent and mix it with SOE, is it

still allright smelling? What do you guys recommend.

(If there's any other product, you recommend for someone in

my profile who didn't have an effect from AE, feel free to tell me.)