I'll start by

saying that at over 50 years old I still get hits from women barely old enough to vote. I must be doing something

right. I also am asking everybody else to chime in with their own methods and experience. Needless to say, my

methods and results do not apply to everybody and your results WILL vary.

In my opinion attraction is a numbers

game. The more points you can score with the most women in the places you are likely to be, the mre likely you are

to get laid or start a rewarding relationship. That also means you have to be congruent with when and where you are.

Shorts and tee shirt at a cocktail party aren't going to cut it, especially if you have lousy legs.

First and

most important in the art of attraction is your appearance. From everything I've read women like a hip to stomach

ratio of 1:1. In other words, being totally cut or having a big belly is going to be points against you with the

majority of women. Some women want only the most cut and fit men but others don't. It's all context. Go to a

surfer beach and you'll want to be cut but go to a college and a little more body will be fine. Some women will

also prefer a guy without much in the way of arm, leg and shoulder muscles but most would prefer somebody who takes

decent care of their physical condition and has some muscle. Some simply don't care. Again, generally speaking, the

majority are going to go for the middle of the road, in good condition but not musclebound, not cut and not fat. The

most points will be awarded to those people. More than one woman says that how a man moves tells a lot of what he'd

be like as a lover. Some, flowing movements, being graceful, can make a huge difference is how you are percieved.

Dancing or martial arts can give you that ability.

How you carry yourself is going to mean a lot too. Stand up

and meet people face to face. Don't slouch and lean all the time. Look like you are sure of yourself and

comfortable in who you are. Don't huddle into yourself with your arms crossed and looking at the floor. You'll

drive people away.

Ask yourself what type of people you like to be around. In my case and a majority of others

it is happy people who are having fun. So...CHEER UP! Grow a sense of humor and stop taking yourself so seriously.

Laugh and learn to be funny. This world is a very comical place if you learn to look at it appropriately. You don't

have to put down others, or even want to, to be funny. More points will be awarded to the guy that makes others


Do not ever become a doormat. Learn to say no and mean it. Never let anybody walk on you, walk away

instead. A self confident person can walk away from anybody if the situation warrants it and should be perfectly

happy doing so. Keep your self respect at all times while acting the part of a gentleman.

The idea of a

gentleman has been debated endlessly on this forum. To me it is a person who treats others with respect while

retaining his own self respect and demanding respect of others. But always remember that respect is not given

freely, it is earned. Like I said before, be willing to walk away whenever it is warranted. Keep your values and

principles at all times. Stand up for yourself if needed.

Clothing has been a constant source of debate here.

95% of the time I dress very casually and don't care who likes it. The other 5% I can dress very well. Others here

are metro-sexual in their attire and others still just dress nicely all the time. To me it has to do with congruency

both with who you are and where you are. Dress for where you'll be and the people you will be around but be clean

and neat about it.

Which brings us to the next subject: Personal Hygene. Clothes with stains and spots, stained

or dirty or missing teeth, bad breath, foul body odors, greasy and unkempt hair and even dirty fingernails will lose

you points. Take care of yourself, it makes a huge difference.

I left pheromones to last for a reason. Most new

users and many older users seem to think they can spash on some random pheromones and have women falling out of the

sky. It doesn't work that way. They are a part of the whole picture and can add or subtract points depending on how

you use them. Each of us has our personal pheromone signature and our own personna. Synthetic pheromones are an

enhancement of both. But like many other things, more is not always better. You are going to need to learn what

works for you and how much you need. It's a trial and error process but a few general stipulations apply. I'm not

going to get into them here as there is so much written about it already. Do some searching and reading on the forum

or even ask a question and provide details so we can offer you appropriate help.

Keep in mind that pheromones

are not miracle cures and that not all women will be receptive all the time or even ever receptive to what you have

to offer. At a guess I'd say that less than 25% of the women you meet will be affected by pheromones at any given

time and you may well blow them out of the water with failures in the other areas mentioned above. But, by adding

pheromenes in the right amounts you can seriously increase the overall percentage of women that will notice you and

be receptive to your approaches.