And here are the results from the first 10 days:

day 1 Placebo

day 2 Placebo

day 3 Pheromone 1 dabs

day 4 Placebo

day 5 Placebo

day 6 Placebo

day 7 Pheromone 2 dabs

day 8 Placebo

day 9 Pheromone 3 dabs

day 10 Pheromone 4 dabs

What fascinates me the most are days 5 and 6. These were the days that I got the most significant results. On 5, I had girls smiling at me and great reactions. On 6, people were rude to me. Both days were placebo. The thing is, if I'd been purposefully wearing pheromones those days (as in not doing a placebo controlled experiment), I would have come home and reported that pheromones work, that day 5 I got crazy hits, and that day 6 I got an OD effect. What I think I've instead demonstrated is just how powerful and deceiving a placebo can be.

It's important to understand that placebo is more than just positive thinking. It also means self-confirming bias, reporting bias, etc. To test pheromones, we naturally put ourselves out in front of people more, and we actively look for signs that its working. These actions will naturally make us perceive better interactions with women.

I'm a little bummed out, because I really want pheromones to work. Granted, none of these results conclusively show that pheromones don't work. I might have used them incorrectly or made any number of errors. What it does show is how much nothing but placebo can look like true pheromone hits, including OD, dihl, and everything else. It gives a better understanding of how we should read anecdotal accounts of pheromone success.

I'd still like to finish the test, and see if the quantitative analysis yield better news than my qualitative analysis. I might give it a break for a while though, while I catch up on life stuff.