Girls want a jerk that is nice to her, does that than mean that he acts like a jerk to everyone else (Friends, family, people he doesn\'t know) and than is nice to her?

What I meant is, how are you a jerk, if the ONLY one you push around would be your girlfriend IF...she gets bitchy though... Do you push aroudn OTHER people?

And another thing, from what has been read, a nice girl doesn\'t want a nice guy, so your routine is flawed, as, pleasing her is like having a yes man, and that\'s NOT what she wants, she wants someone who doesn\'t CARE about what she thinks.

Anyway, man, I can\'t get the girl in the FIRST place, that\'s MY problem. You hear people talking about how you have to do such and such, what about afterwards, CHILL, you already GOT the

And, how DARE you tell me, I THINK I\'m bad, how do you KNOW what I think? HUH?! I don\'t think I\'m big and bad, but, what I was saying is... You can\'t BE a jerk to other people if you are small, because they will just push you back, but, than again, being BIG, DOESN\'T MAKE you a jerk EITHER... So, are you a jerk to HER, or a JERK in GENERAL?


I use the ppa with 1 swab between each ear, and the rest on my finger goes on the neck....I used to use the chem set none, but that\'s too much none...Uh, and I think 0.015% is just ENOUGH without being too much.

As for nol, that\'s great and all, but I DON\'T want to be the girl\'s friend. And, if she likes me because she can be a friend like character to me, than, no, I DON\'T WANT IT! Which, is screwing me over...As, the girls are nervous, no, not from too much none though..But than, at the SAME time, if you use nol, I mean, she will see you as more inviting, friendly, than, I mean, she didn\'t really want you in the first place...

Here\'s the difference, nol equals..You two are friends, and you decide to go out and f***...

None, you two don\'t know each other, and than, you slap her on the *ss and f*** her...
