Hey Everyone,

Having had success in using pheros in a night club situation, i\'m trying to make them work for me in everyday situations. I think even a single spray of edge in normal situations is an overload for me (overloading\'s ok in a night club, but not anywhere else). You see,i\'m 20yrs old, lift weights three times a week, and am not god in the heat (lots of sweating). For these reasons i think i may already have alot of natural pheromones and adding even just a single spray of TE is too much. The reason that i think this is that i seem to get results when using weaker products during the day, such as datemate and PF. Is there anyone else experiencing the same thing? Does anyone know what the main pheromone is in datemate? I\'m thinking about getting a spray with a smaller shot than the TE bottle has, or maybe applying it in dabs. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanx Dr Rock