Thanks for all the insights and calculations, Scientist. I have a feeling your contributions are going to make us all more successful.

About the effects of Androstenol vs Androstenone. I’m currently in a relationship, and we met shortly after PF came out. So most of my “hard” evidence (pun kind-of intended) is with Androstenone. Every girl I ever dated, since using pheros, was “hooked” by either APC of PI.

PF is rumored to have lots of androstenol. If this is true, I could confirm what you said about “pillow talk” and overdosage. Four drops get the desired effect, but even twelve drops get a good reaction (girls become goofy and talkative). Also, my best first dates (not just in terms of getting lucky, but having fun, great conversation, and no stress) have been with PF.

As far as hits go, PF (even at high doses) doesn’t seem to get me the kind of attention that pure androstenone, or androstenone rich formulas do. On the other hand, I feel I can get almost any girl to talk intimately about herself while wearing the stuff.

My impression is that androstenone is a more potent aphrodisiac, while androstenol is more of a mood enhancer.

About phero minimalism... My impression is that your findings represent the apex, in terms of getting hits — any more, or any less, and the quantity of hits drops off. At slightly higher doses, the hits that I get seem to be more intense however: DIHL, blushing, and some very suggestive body language.

Having said that, I’ve conducted many minimalist experiments on my girlfriend; trying to figure out ways to get her hot without consciously smelling the pheros. My results are: three dabs APC, four dabs PF, 1/4 spray Edge (I diluted some with three parts water), two DABs PI (I hold my finger over the spout and get a very tiny dab), three sprays IR, and one dab AE. In most cases, the pheros were applied about two hours before my girlfriend got her first whiff of me. (AE is the only one she still hasn’t noticed, but all the others are still very effective aphrodisiacs.)