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  1. #91
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    but would you rate the bald guy against the guy with glasses against the guy with long hair against the short guy? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  2. #92
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Why do you think that I am interested in making war with you? because I don\'t support your views? i am not interested in making debates personal with someone over the internet. I don\'t even know you.

    I am not sure where you get the idea that I am backing up your views. You brought up birth control -- that in itself was a firm indication that you missed my whole argument. As you said, all that makes \"the evolution point moot.\" Talk to a sexologist or whatever, they will explain to you that evolution is the basis for our criteria of attraction. I was trying to give you a male perspective because you believe men who don\'t go for mildly attractive women fear having to step up to the plate. I am sure if you were in a guys shoes for a day you would not say that.

    I also don\'t know how you were so sure of what phantom\'s girlfriend was doing. Something like that could have been what it was at face value or a clue for something else. The only hint of evidence surround what it really was would be the fact that he made a move and his hand got slapped. So don\'t get on the boy like he doesn\'t know what he was doing.

  3. #93

    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Bite me, sweetie. I\'m not in the mood today.

  4. #94
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    well I will go for a mildly attractive woman. As long as she is not extremly obese or deformed then hey....

  5. #95
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    What about me? I\'m the bald, short guy with glasses. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #96
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    he\'s a guy if you have\'nt noticed.

  7. #97

    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    I thought I might just add my .02 about \"mildly attractive women\" .... To me, all women are attractive in their own way. I think sometimes all this \"rating system\" is, is an indicator of how far a female deviates from the MTV stereotype of the dream girl. Those \"model women\" more often than not bore me to tears. And my 10 may well be another guy\'s 5 or 6. But I don\'t even know if I even think in terms of 5 or 6 or 10 .. each women has her own \"aura\" that is a 10 to me. I can hear some of you now. Cuddles, you\'re just horny! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Well, I won\'t deny that! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Anyway, that\'s all, you can remove the soapbox now ..

  8. #98
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    You\'re right, as usual. Given a choice, the average woman with her own thoughts and opinions is far more attractive than the \'10\' who does not have an intelligent opinion on anything.

  9. #99

    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    \"but would you rate the bald guy against the guy with glasses against the guy with long hair against the short guy?\"

    Oh, that\'s easy. I would have to give them each at least one try. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] It doesn\'t do to jump to conclusions, you know.

  10. #100
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    <<It doesn\'t do to jump to conclusions, you know.>>

    One should never assume [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #101
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    The big question is does the big bald guy have $$$$ that would support a family.

    ANyway 100 post on this thread.

  12. #102
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    You are rigth...I sent my pic to probably over 50 girsl in the last year online...

    And, I got usually from 1-4 or from 7-10 and sometimes a 5.

    I\'m like, wtf...I\'m just wearing a polo shirt and in a pic with my family....

    But, basicaly, I figure, why talk to something that doens\'t like you anyway?

    Dude, I know EXACTLY!!!!! What you are saying.

    When I was like 3 4gh 5th...I don\'t know....Before I moved..I had girls that liked me..Anyway, in PARTICULAR, some girl, that was kind of bossy (to others....) nice to me...Anyway, she was like, you like me don\'t you, blah blah, I could have hooked up with her and sh*** I didn\'t. I was so STPUID. She wasn\'t ugly, and that would have at least given me experience, in the dating department.

    Who was it, that said, that once you get out of HIgh School, girls actually put out, v.s. just the rumors, etc, that you hear in High School.

    Now, it\'s confusing. The way I LOOK AT MYSELF. I think I have a good enough body. Face wise, it depends, I think I have good hair, sometimes I think my face looks mediocre and other times I think I look like the sh**. I asked one girl I know...And she said I have some days and some others that I look good and bad.....Interesting.

    And, not getting a strait answer on my pic.


    7th grade. Got a note frmo some girl, saying her friend wanted to give me a bj, with a number. I never called (again, I was stupid) however, I am not sure if that was sincere, or if it was someone who believes me to be ugly and is trying to get back at this person?

    Same thing in the 9th...A bunch of people were saying some girl likes me, I just didn\'t pay attention, and there was a crowd and they were pushing me into them, and blah blah, and I\'m like, nah man.

    Anyway, I don\'t know. I can\'t realy tell....

    I was working at Wendys, one of the black girls there asked me if I wanted to f***. I don\'t know what the hell her intentions were, however, I do know she smokes, however, she could have been joking...I said not, not with you...She was black, and I didn\'t liker her, lol....I don\'t think I\'d ever f*** with a black girl...Just don\'t find myself attracted to them.

    Anyway, and working at Wendys....I was using mones sometimes, however, I remember one time, which is have LATER READ is a \"hit\" when a girl says that she says \" I feel like I know you...\" Something like that.

    What, I\'m STPUID, however, now that I am not, what do I get?

    NOTHING....This hasn\'t happened in a while.

    And some dudes, I was lifting, had on one of them tight tank tops, and they said I ain\'t got no definition, bull, I do, and anyway, some dude just randomly asked some girl if I was attractive and she didn\'t give a good look, although she didn\'t say much anything...

    But, than again, you see people rate other people different.

    I have been told I have good eyes, which, I aggree, which is true, but I have been told so and so is hotter, etc...Which, I would not go against, however, it seems as though a girl goes for 2 things...

    1. The hottest guys based on face

    2. This MAY SOMETIEMS HAPPEN if it\'s abs, no girls care about size in the chest, etc...

    Disremark 2...That just goes along with 1...

    2. Personality, laughing, etc....

    I have no popular \"pesronality\" and I\'m not COMPLETLY HOT as far as face or abs is involved, and so I get screwed over.

    However, I have what other people don\'t, and that\'s the ablity to think for myself, which some girls like, however most don\'t in High School, which, is like I said, High School girls, lol.....

    I still beat myself up (not only figuratively) for being such a dumbass on the other times....Damn it.


  13. #103

    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Well, it\'s been a long day and maybe I\'m just not reading you right, but ... I don\'t see any reason for you to beat yourself up or feel stupid because some girls found you sexy enough to blatantly offer you sex, and you just didn\'t feel like it. That sounds to me like an enviable position to be in.

  14. #104
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!


    By any chance are the letters on your keyboard getting harder to read? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]\'ve put in some marathon posts lately. lol

  15. #105
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Yeah those marthon posts are getting interesting to read.

  16. #106
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Nice post, Bart ever check your face for symmetry. Its all based on missed opportunities and how arrogant/ignorant we were. Funny with your personality type Bart it seems you could use a nubian goddess, someone to tell you to shut the f*ck up. slap your ass chant you on when you are benching. When you speak of attraction, people will have their types and for reasons and such (watch out for a great post by me in the future) but sometimes there is always that one girl that breaks that. Oh now I sound like a Lifetime movie.

  17. #107
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Oh yeah, and ANOTHER ONE...I forgot of the other day....

    When I was in the skating rink, probably 9th grade? 10th, 8th, 7th, don\'t know...

    Some girl, I was just chilling on one of the benches, skating is tiring, and some girl was like, stop looking at me, do you like me? I was like, no...she kept doing it...(I wasn\'t looking at her) but, me being stupid, I finally realized, all I would have had to do is say yes, and tell her she\'s hot, and I would have had a girl STUPID STUPID STUPID!

    Oh, and than there was that girl that asked me if she could grab my balls (I was sitting at table there, in the eating place) I said...Go ahead....She came over, didn\'t go through with it.Howver, STUPID STPUID STUPID.... I didn\'t do anything back, or say anything, I could have f**** her probably, but NOOOOO.... I acted as though I wasn\'t interesteed.....And, it\'s not like she was ugly or anything...

    No, you don\'t understand. Those are probably, everything in this post, and the other one, my whole life, probably of opportunities, all of them.

    I took none of them....

    I complain that I can\'t get a girl, and yet I was too stupid to take the ones that I GOT. What the hell good is being hit on if I won\'t TAKE THE HIT!!!

    I shouldn\'t blame myself, because if I didn\'t take the hit, that must have been for SOME REASON, be it sub-concious, etc...

    HOWEVER, nevertheless, for SOME REASON, I believe that because I did not take them, no more opportunities have come (and they haven\'t for a long while....) and, just as if, in not taking the hit, it wards off girls or something....

    I don\'t know.

    But, I haven\'t been wrong... None of them, I took, I haven\'t had any since, however, at least now I\'m not stupid.

    I suppose, sub-conciously, I didn\'t want to, and that\'s why, however, conciously I did. Or, I think a lot of it comes from that fact that I believe I SHOULD because, I don\'t know...Evolution, or society...

    I mean, I KNOW I would rather hook up with a girl that likes me and would hit on me, than some girl that my friends says like me...

    It goes like, in the younger years, when girls are first starting to mature, I think they act more like adults than, than they do the few years between that, and adulthood for them. Because at that time, and than when they are adult, they will, for the most part, let you know.

    I am stuck at a bad age. But, someone said that, when you are older, a girl will hit on you, not just romors, etc...I think it\'s the same too, when a girl first hits the puberty. From what it seems.

    I\'m stuck in 1. A small town, with close-minded people...Who believe in false love. Even if lose if chemicals....They believe the other person has these when they DON\'T.

    2. I am at a bad age level, not adults, not in puberty girls. They don\'t knwo what they want...And I don\'t even know if girls are even interested in guys...And, if they are, they shouldn\'t act the way they do. If they are going to flrit, give it meaning, if not, why do it? Finding themselves, whatever, that\'s bull......

    And, that\'s another thing.

    You don\'t understand, I\'d rather be one or the other. Some people think I look good, others don\'t?

    What happens?

    Either I believe someone doesn\'t like me, and give up a missed opportunity to ask them out or something (however, even if someone does think I look good, perahps it is becuase of where I am, or age, or both, but they REALLY don\'t want to go out, don\'t seem \"interested\" I think that would have a lot to do with small town livng than anything else...)....

    Or, I get embarresed.

    Eeither way, I\'m screwed. And if I do one, I miss out half the tiem one one of them....Either I get the girl, and am embarrassed half of hte time, or I am not embarrassed half the time, but don\'t get the girl, or I do it sometimes and than others, etc.

    But, I\'m serious about the not wanting to hook up. I\'m sure there are some girls that don\'t think that I am ugly, but, they don\'t WANT to go out, not that they wouldn\'t, but rather, not intrested, don\'t care. I could, I could see you know, going out, but they wouldn\'t have wanted to in particular, they don\'t LIKE ME, though, they don\'t NOT LIKE ME. I\'m not the person it seems that the girls LIKE, however, does that matter? I mean, they usually hook up with people they like, don\'t like. Or, they THINK they like, but they don\'t...

    Oh, and to the person that asked why I am typing so much....

    1. A lot of thoguhts.

    2. The keyboard was cleaned by my brother and ister, took out the keys, and took the food and stuff out of it, and cleaned it completely, the keys fly, and don\'t stick anymore.


  18. #108
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Bart what state do you live in? just wondering.

    What you said below is very very true, girls are more willing and less inhibited when they first get those special feelings of guys but then they soon fall in line and learn how to hide these feelings very well, or choose partners based on what others say and so on.

    \"It goes like, in the younger years, when girls are first starting to mature, I think they act more like adults than, than they do the few years between that, and adulthood for them. Because at that time, and than when they are adult, they will, for the most part, let you know.
    I am stuck at a bad age. But, someone said that, when you are older, a girl will hit on you, not just romors, etc...I think it\'s the same too, when a girl first hits the puberty. From what it seems.\"

    \"Either I get the girl, and am embarrassed half of hte time\"

    So when you get the girl you feel anxiety kind of?

  19. #109
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    It\'s amazing that Bart and Tallmacky totally understand each other. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I think they are soul mates.

  20. #110
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Tallmacky: \"I lubb yoo mayte!\"
    marv14yag: \"I lubb yoo too!\"
    ** Manly embrace **
    Tallmacky and marv14yag in unisen: [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img]\" had a fly on your back\" ...\"oh...umm. too mayte.\"
    marv14yag:[img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] \"wasn\'t a hug\"
    tallmacky: [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] \"nahhh...wasn\'t a hug...I mean, your a man\"
    marv14yag: [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] \"No one seen us...ummm... it didn\'t happen. Right?\"
    tallmacky: [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img]\"right\"
    marv14yag: [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] \"yeah... that\'s it!....right...ummmmmm....see you later..ummm...bloke... yeah! that\'s it...Seeya later, man!\"
    tallmacky: [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] \"Yeah... Seeya man!...Get DOOoown!!!\"


  21. #111
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Hey, I hear you - I was like this for a long time - many missed opportunities etc. and too much worrying about whether a gal liked me or not and using that as a basis to decide whether to make a move. Advice is cheap, but what I learnt that helped me was understanding what I want and then going from there. If you worry about whether you are good looking enough for a particular gal you will never get anywhere.

    For myself I decided that I wanted xyz, then went about looking for this, not caring whether I was this or that gal\'s type, just caring about what I want and resolving that I would \"convince\" her with my personality etc. to go out with me. And sure I\'ve had my share of rejections, but after awhile it gets to be, SO WHAT, as you realize that not every gal is going to like you/be attracted to you, and just let the chips fall where they may. Whatever else anyone may say about sites like etc. the one thing that is true that they say and that I have ingrained inside me, is focus absolutely on what you want and stop waiting for some woman to \"bless you \" with her interest - soon enough you find that if you stop caring about what any one gal thinks of you as far as looks etc go, it loosens you up and you realize that there are millions of woman in this world so.....And if you know what you want, then it\'s easy to decide on a course of action. Anyway, very interesting posts you made

  22. #112
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Good advice

  23. #113
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    In my experience, however, a girl has to like you for anything to go on....Even if she feels indifferent about you, if she doens\'t like you, she will not hook up, etc.

    What state?

    Florida, almost the worst for money wise for schooling...

    Not just that OUT OF THE ENTIRE STATE, Lake County gets the least money.

    Our school, is the SHITTIEST SCHOOL, I\'m not f**** joking man.

    I think that may have something to do with it to. The way people act is the culture. And the school is in the ghetto, it sucks...Noone really fights, nothing goes on, and so you have a lot of drama queens, etc.

    Or people who believe they are popular, however, lol, how is that popular. What is there to be popular OF? At the pep rallies, we cheer for a DIFFERENT class, etc....Noone cares...It\'s a gay school, literally...And the education sucks...

    I probably would be different in a different state. Also, at a different age, like I had said.

    Anxiety = yes. Almost as if, not so much society, but evolution says I have to f*** the girl, but I don\'t want to...Not that I don\'t want to..But, perhaps I am missing these love chemicals towards many people.

    Anyway, what I was mainly refferring is....

    If I don\'t try to get girls, I don\'t feel embarred, but don\'t get girls. If I do I will be embarressed, and shot down, etc and but I migth get one....

    But, its like I said, and most of the girls, seriously, this is a very small town, and from what I normally see is girls going out with just one person for a very long time, etc.

    I\'m not completely ugly, and I have a high none ratio....I\'ll be walking, or just chilling on the wall, and girls will walk by and give me eye contact, however, they will HIDE THESE FEELINGS, and look away really quick, or usually are stunned by me or something, but it helps me little, because perhaps only here, but they feel they don\'t LOVE me, so they shouldn\'t have those feelings.

    I think that\'s BULL! And, it doens\'t help! They don\'t think they LOVE ME! What about all the d*mn girls getting pregnant! Where\'s the guy!? Did he LOVE YOU BI***!!!!!!!!! WHERE\'S THE LOVE NOW!!!

    Anyway, yeah, I think girls have a sexual attraction towards me, not love...

    Oh, and I have played with it too...

    Example...I like to have fun sometimes....

    Girl I know....She\'s got a boyfriend, one of them smart grls...One day I decided to test it out...I asked her something I don\'t remember about what....Probbably stupid, however, I gave her strait eye contact, and talking like d*** that one black guy (not really, but just calmly) not only did her eyes get glossy, but I had eye contact for probalby 20 seconds strait...

    Does that help?

    No, they don\'t feel they are in \"love\" with me!

    In a big city, perhaps, New York, San Francisco, Penn. Indiana (Indianapolis), etc...They do different, but that\'s good, at least they don\'t LIE to themselves...

    There, I\'d do that, and end up f*** them, why...They don\'t love me, I don\'t love them, but they wouldn\'t lie to themselves about it, sh**...

    I\'ve been told by people either I\'m Evil, and that I look like I\'m going to 1. Rape someone 2. Kill someone

    Which, is usually true, however, when I talk (usually when on DHEA; which, is interesting, how it can give you higher test and yet calm you at the same time) I talk softer, etc.

    I would call myself a true goth, in that. I am, but not infatactiated with fashion, and all that...

    Half of those people out there wearing black and [bad word], they make me laugh...Because I could go up to you, choke you to death, and not have any bad thoughts about it, lol.

    So, what do I do? Nothing, sure, I\'ll go to college or whatnot..

    However, why do I have to waste my damn high school years in this shitholeintheground!?



  24. #114
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    your town definitely sounds like it sucks as far as the dating scene goes. Guess you just have to be patient till you can move out. But I think it\'s unrealistic to expect a gal will just fall in love with you by seeing you - attraction yes, but love no. She has to get to know you first and this is where building upon the initial attraction is important - if she\'s already sexually attracted to you 75% of the game is already won.

  25. #115
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    BUMP!!!!!, I\'m going to try to keep all my hit stories in this thread. Since i\'m going out today to meet 2 beautiful women for lunch today, I prepared yesterday beforehand. I got a small teacup, filled it with 2 ml\'s of water, added 3 drops of PPA/w to it poured it over the jeans i\'m going to wear today, I made sure the pants absored all the liquid and put it ontop of my dresser to dry overnight.

    I just checked the pants, it has a faint smell of PPA/w (thats great [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]) I put them on my working table put I got my AE/m put one drop of AE/m on the zipper part (This is when I spilled 1/5 of the stuff) I went to reach (blindly) for the AE/m to close it and I tipped it over with my pinky. Luckly the AE did\'nt spill on the pants [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]. Then I got NPA I wanted to put one drop on the zipper part but 2 fell, oh well does\'nt really matter cause it worked out great [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img].

    I put on the pants, got my Gucci Envy sprayed some under my pits, chest, neck, forearms and the zipper part of my pants (smells like sex, lol) It was the same fragrace that I was wearing when I got laid, so I said hey, what the heck and put it on. I have forgot how good it smells!!! thats probably why I got laid lastime lol. I got my barenaked bottle of TE (I raped it, I scratched off the lable in the front and I changed the sprayer top with normal cap so I can take it with me) I applyed 7 dabs total. 3 dabs on neck, 2 dabs on chest/abs and 1 dab on each wrist.

    I feel friken great, like an ALPHA MALE SUPREME lol, it\'s a great feeling, like i\'m ontop of the world! It must be the combination of mones and the fragrance thats making me feel this way. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] LOL, newbies don\'t try this at home, it might instantaneously get you jumped by horny perfect 10\'s, raped, laid and beat up. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img]

    I\'ll be going out in about 30 minutes to meet the girls, I got all my stuff ready and I can\'t wait (condoms, altoids, money, keys everything lol)!! I\'ll report what happens when I get back. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  26. #116
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Good luck Phantom! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

  27. #117
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Being Without Pheromones Sucks!

    Yeah, good luck Phantom and be sure to report what happened afterwards! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

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