ok Ive been meaning to post about my results with wagg for a week but I left out of town (cancun) for my spring break week. Let me first say that at the moment I feel a bit weak since I am running a slight fever so this post will not be very very descriptive. Anyways a few weeks ago I asked a couple of forum members for some help. You see I was supposed to meet my girlfriend\'s parents for the first time and I really really needed to make a good first impression. Now as Ive mentioned before...I suffer greatly from the Clint Eastwood effect. Girls hardly ever approach me and whenever they do...theyre always very nervous around me which in turn makes me a bit nervous and the conversation ends up going nowhere fast...you get my drift? These forum members I asked for help had all received a beta testing sample of WAGG for their personal evaluation. They all had around 5 drops of wagg left or less. So 3 members out of the kindness of their heart (thanks again fellas i owe you all big time) sent me whatever they had left from their wagg. Anyways lets cut to the chase. The day that my wagg had arrived I had gotten in a huuuuge fight with my older brother. I mean this fight was huge...we were ready to throw punches and everything. This fight occured in the morning so after we both just went our own ways for the rest of the day and didnt speak at all. Anyways at around 5 pm I decided to go check my mail and there was one of the wagg samples waiting for me. So out of curiousity I decided to try it at my house just to see how my brother would react. Let me just say that the results were nothing short of incredible. Right away when he smelled me ..the expression of his face seemed to change and he started asking me what I was gonna do for the night and if I wanted to accompany him and some of his friends to a local bar to shoot pool. He began joking with me and being all friendly. Now this was a guy that was ready to tear my eyes out a couple of hours before(were of Italian decent so we have rather short tempers). Anyways that night I went over to my friends house and as soon as I got there the same thing happened with him. He was all joking with me and being suuuuuper firndly with me...like more than ever. Anyways that night we decided to go out for a couple of drinks on the town and I decided to wear a shirt that I had put some none on the week before( I seem to find that none sticks around on my clothing way after I wash them) and placed three drops of wagg on it. The results that night were incredible. As soon as I walked in the club...girls started staring at me hard...now Ive worn none by itself before and this was waaay different. Its like if they werent scared that I would catch them looking at me...they just didnt care....as soon as I walked in...I swear it was like I was a rock star or something. This was a very weird feeling for me as Ive never experienced this before. So the next weekend I decide to use wagg again to go out to bars again. This time as soon a s i walk in a bar I see a buddy of mine\'s ex girlfriend(they broke up 2 month ago) and as soon as she saw me she right away walked up to me and began talking to me. Now this girl is very shy and on a normal night would never talk to me...but there she was puring her heart out and telling me everything..and how \"she wished she could find a better guy\". Ok after that me and my friends (it was one of their birthdays) decided to visit a local strip club. Now I know what youre gonna say...you shouldnt take strip clubs into consideration since all those girls care about is money...but I think that these girls also have feelings and if they like someone they make it known. Well as soon as I walked in...ALL OF THE STRIPPERS EYES WERE LOCKED ON ME. I mean every girl dancing would give a private show for me on stage. They would only make eye contact with me and no one else and would make obscene gestures at only me. Now normally I would think nothing of this...but they were only doing this to me and only me. Anyway by the end of the night all my friends were talking about how all the chicks find me attractive and they even started calling me Trent (Vince Vaughn from the movie Swingers)....Ok so these are some of the effects that ive had with wagg. I havent gotten a chance to try it on my girl\'s parents since they left for 2 weeks to Vegas...but Ill report as soon as they do. I think that this product really works with guys with the lone wolf syndrom and nothing more. I fyou can get away with wearing none at any amount by itself then this product isnt for you. I myself cant even wear AE without OD\'ing on its none so that should give an example of how bad my natural none signature is....

PS: I also believe that this product would be useful in wearing those times when you put a little too much none on and you OD and everyone seems like they want to kill you...hehe...this product would be a life saver then