This isn\'t anything new for those in-the-know around here, but good hit stories are always a fun read, right?

Got my first order of AE and NPA. Trying to avoid the typical rookie route, I read hours of back posts on usage and whatnot and settled on 3 drops of AE, 2 of NPA on wrists. Hit the mall, got hits left and right. By hits I mean, girls I would\'ve never approached (cuz I never got the go-ahead from them) were suddenly turning heads, smiling ear-to-ear and when I did engage em, were SOOOOOOOOOO receptive. I swear, I was thinking, \"ah, well, placebo effect\" and \"I\'m just noticing things a little bit more now, things that were probably always there\" but no ... I mean, this one girl walked up to me, slowed down and gave me the biggest smile ever. I saw her later at the food court, walked up told her I liked her hair, got her name then went my own way. Sure enough, 10 minutes later she appears in the same store I was, grabs onto my shoulder from behind and says \"Thanks for the compliment! I really needed that today!!\" and then gives me her number. We ended up shopping for a bikini for her right then and there. Hot damn!

Next day same thing: This time I\'m experimenting with APC/NPA (JB#1 mix) and same success stories. More numbers, you name it. At the movie theater, this little Latin girl working tjere (probably a little too young for my tastes - I didn\'t ask) was fixated on me as I tried to order a drink and hotdog. Talk about DIHL. Two feet away ... TO MY FACE! She just stood there all dreamy-eyed, smiling. I had to wave to snap her out of it. Heheh.

Anyway, Those were just the extremes. To sum it all up: Every girl I met was almost waaaaaay too receptive. I can\'t believe this! And don\'t get me started on the older women.....

Mewbies: I\'m one of you! This stuff opens doors BIG TIME. The rest is up to you.