Got a date tonight with this girl I met at a party 3 weeks ago, there\'s a distance between where she lives & I live so it\'s been hard to hookup. But since that evening we\'ve been talking on the phone every other day or so & emailing on occasion (she prefers to talk so less email). Looking for advice on what to wear phero wise, I\'m thinking a full pack of SOE (too much?) spread out all over parts of my face, neck, wrists. Two sprays of the new Pheromax? One on chest & one on back of neck? & then very little NPA behind ears covered with Angel/m. Does that sound like a decent plan? I\'m staying away from WAGG as I heard negative results when used with -nol based products.

I agree the new Pheromax does have a strong odor which I like (not necessary the scent but the reassurance of high phero content). I got some positive results last night. I was at a bar with a friend of mine & this real hottie who through my drunken endeavors had begun to piss off (since I would keep seeing her, introducing myself, hitting on her & not remembering her name or having met her before - I know I\'m an IDIOT). But regardless, last night we really hit it off, at first she was sitting at the bar (she was off duty, a waitress for a Sushi place). She has a boyfriend, but she kept mentioning these other guys she dates on the side [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] after hanging out with her for like 30 minutes or so she had gotten up to use the ladies room & when she came back she decided to stand between me & my friend & I successfully held a conversation (of course as I was not hammerred), I really held her attention & she kept moving in closer & initiated some \"accidental\" kino perhaps, hand touching me on the arm, a few \"boob\" hits on the arm. Long story short, earlier in the night she had invited my buddy to her shore house a few times, and towards the end of the night she started saying, \"<bivonic> you can come too\" - not sure if she was being PC or if I passed the trust test. She did say all the guys in her house were jerks, when I pressed why she thought that she said because they were dumb. Anyway when things started to go pretty well, I did a take away - left on a high note & I told her we had to go to this happening bar around the corner & we\'d get back to her later about this weekend. (she had already made it clear she was tired & was going home to crash - this was when I initially invited her to join us when she asked what we were up to so I did not press her to join us)