I also am confused about what a discussion forum is about. When I first arrived I was so

enthused. I looked forward to posting about things I experienced after my first pheromone experiment. After a

month or so of reading others experiences and at the point where I had made my first purchase, and first experienced

pheromones, I was disappointed to get no or little discussion from my post. I also admit once I found

out about the point system I wanted to be point rich. I don’t understand the forum store. What are the

things you can do to enhance your username and what is a custom title? None of the actions seem like anything other

than an inhibitor to receiving a discount. Now that I have seen the same questions pop up over and over from newbie

who are wetter behind the ears than I am I can understand how frustrating it is for the experts. Maybe

there should be a special discussion forum for “newbie’s” hosted by an “expert” and an “intermediate” level zone

followed by the “expert / doctorate / scientist / manufacturer level.” This way if you are into deep intellectual

discussion philosophizing about the many chemical compounds and social interactions related to such compounds as

well as the nature and stability of the chemical etc… it can be done with out interruption. This is not to

say others can’t join in but the non experts would find their best opportunity to learn in a class of discussion

that would be on their current knowledge and understanding level. As they would learn more they could then be

comfortable in discussions on a higher skill level. Also having volunteers to help the people under their level

gain the knowledge and understanding to enable them to succeed in their pheromone education and jump to a new level

of understanding. This followed by reinforcing the new found knowledge by volunteer community service in the

aforementioned procedure of teaching a newer or lesser experienced pheromone enthusiast. It is in the teaching

process through watching others that we learn the most and become masters. It is through their mistakes that

we experience the learning. It is as if we made the same mistake. If you don’t make mistakes you can’t learn. So

through partners and groups the knowledge and experience can be better organized and passed on. Also people who

have learned a skill will be more enthused to teach it to another than one who is already taught it to hundreds.

They are the ones who can monitor the system and interject corrections and coach the ones who are learning or

enforcing knowledge through conveying it to another. This also can be an avenue to weed out any myths and miss or

disinformation right from the beginning. I really don’t expect to get this to happen but thought I would interject

it into the discussion.
