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  1. #1
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    Default My PheroJounral and Conclusion


    I kept a pherojournal for about 2 months which documented my experiences with pheromones. It iwas an excel file and I recorded the dosage, the reaction, and assigned the reaction a number on a scale of 1-10.

    Probably about half the times I used the pheromones it was when i was going out at night. I have been using them for about seven months now.

    What I have found is that the dosage that works for me (a foundation of 3 dabs of npa) only works to the point where I am looked at like a celeberity (stares from all over, women wanting me, lots, and men being a bit enamoured as well, definitely reacting) when my pheromone signature is compoletely clean of artificial additives. Okay that sounded funny, but I have gotten this reaction with 3 drops on three occaisions:

    The first time I used mones

    A time after that where i hadn\'t been using and i happened to shower that night before going out (normally I would do it earlier in the day and it was the winter, so I wasn\'t sweating). I also don\'t think i had used for like a week or 1.5 weeks, but I wasn\'t keeping a journal then.

    Last weekend when I hadn\'t used in two weeks.

    I have used the same dosage countless other times, hoping for those reactions. When I woke outside my apartment, I know right away if I am going to have that sort of night, because when i did, people i passed on the street would look at me consistently.

    Most of the time I don\'t get that crap at all. I can get some good hits basically, and see pheromones at work if I don\'t have a clean slate, but not to the point where it is easy to get action from a woman, just not necessarily the one of your choice (but if thats your mission it can be accomplished). Those are the magical nights that I love, really swings the power of choice around.

    To put an end to all of this, I belive everyone is underestimating pheromone buildup. If I have a night like that, it won\'t be that great the next night. If i stay off mones for a week, I won\'t get that. I am now guessing that alot of us can have one good night every two weeks...... unless there is a corresponding dosage for clothes (it is a slower release, so I would guess u need to apply more) and then find a way to immediately rid the clothes of pheromones in the wash. As hard as I scrub my skin and use purell and soap and such, I can\'t get around the problem of pheromone build up. So perhaps clothing application would be better, if you can not ruin your wardrobe with pheromone build up. It could be much easier to control variables with clothing, and get good nights any day of the week like the ones I can\'t seem to get consistently with skin application.

    Another goal is to finding what dosages complement eachother when used the day after a previous dosage.... in other words, what complments the build up, and then what complements the build up on that build up, and so on.

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    Nice work.

    One point though, although I agree about the issues of build up i think the large doses of exogenus pheros gives skin bacteria a field day, making a lot of our problems the conversion on our skin after time.

    I\'ve had quite a few bad \"morning after\" experiences (when i haven\'t showered, and no i didnt stink), and not just -none OD reactions, sometimes a kind of indifference.

  3. #3
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Treatment of chronic OD

    Crucial issues. Great work!

    Three drops of NPA is generally considered to be an OD, or close to it. That is part of the problem, perhaps.

    Mones seem to have perhaps a 1.5 day half-life on the body, but that is just a guess. There are also conversions, the most dangerous of which come from -nol, as far as I can tell. If you wear -nol, your none wont reduce as much over time, as conversions from -nol replace it. -Nol also converts to at least one other major smelly-ass pherochemical, a chemical not too dissimilar to the Edge\'s secret ingredient ( I speak only for myself). So in general, when reapplying over time it is best to increasingly emphasize mones subject to greatest conversion; i.e., -nol and A1 (and WAGG too, probably).

    <font color=\"blue\">The practical implication here is:

    1. Whenever you notice indifference, repulsion, or fear, STOP APPLYING MONES until your hits go up, max out, and then start to fall (might be a few days). I often refrain from soap-bathing and deodorants (except EO\'s) during this period to make it \"more fun\" to deal with the buildup and conversions.

    2. Then shower, exfoliate, soap thoroughly, and take a sweaty sauna for at least 30 minutes. A vigorous exercise session can be substituted for the sauna. The next time you apply, you typically have great reactions! Step two can be used effectively by itself, in a pinch; but the sauna/exfoliation part is always crucial!</font>

    I encourage folks to try this method.

    What else does your journal suggest????

  4. #4
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    Thank you Dr Smellthis, i was hoping you and whitehall and mad doc and bruce and jvk and oscar, etc would be interested in researching this.

    The buildup or whatever was by far the biggest finding. Probably good evidence of it was not only the big hit days after staying away from pheromones for such a long time, but days where the results had were rated as high, despite wearing nothing (sometimes two or three days after the fact) following four days or so wearing stuff everyday (in which results where choppy).

    That shows just how significant build up can be. At first I thought it was because a more natural signature was appealing. However, when I layed off of mones and used the 3 dabs of Npa (perhaps with some wagg or pcc), I felt like a rock star despite that unnatural signature.

    The previous post talked about abcteria interaction with mones. Perhaps the bacteria converts none into something we really don\'t know of, but something that sends \"unattractive\" messages/signals to people, and/or stymies the postive effects of a new application of none.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    i also jsut want to say, for some of the people who stuggle to get results with pheromones, perhaps it is because you are using it to frequently. It is possible your good days were studdle, and then as a result of build up by using to frequently, you get no results. Trying one thing after another may not help if you don\'t take a couple of weeks off

  6. #6
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    I normally only apply mones when I go out..friday &amp; saturday usually. During the week I can care less what goes on here at work or when I just go to the store.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    what kinda of results do you get, and if good, do you get good results the next night as well?

    When I say good, I mean when not just a few reactions, but where people are consistently reacting everywhere you go.

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    To add to this, I have always had a problem with getting two days in a row to be successful. If I wear -mones on a Friday night and have a really good night I find that the Saturday night will be \'OD\' like if wearing my so-called great mix from the night before.
    ...on the other hand, if I have \'OD\' like responses on the Friday night I\'ll find I\'m getting hits throughout the following day (After having a shower too).

    I\'ve been aware of build-up for a while now and try not to use -mones too often. One time I OD\'d on NPA (slightly) and could still smell a hint of it on me TWO days later! I find this with NPA more often then the others.

    These -mones are persistent little buggers.

    P.S. NOTE that I don\'t use anti-bacterial soap or anything like that.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    your trouble getting results two consecutive nights and a good following day after an OD night all falls in line with the research I found.

    I am going to take Dr. Smellthis\' advice on trying to exfoliate as well as taking a steam bath to sweat out all the mones, and see if that helps me cut down that two week time to perhaps one week.

    I suggest you do the same and record your findings, and I encourage everyone to do the same who would like to find out how to use pheromones more effectively (save for liek a few people on the planet, it seems like a lot of us get inconsistent results on the same dosages). Having the data to look back a month or so later (when you have completely forgotten it) really helps in finding patterns.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    Hi MR, good work! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  11. #11
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    thanks , wink

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    A while ago I started removing my pheros every night with an alcohol swab (available in pharmacies, a couple of bux for a box of 100).

    I think the effects have improved since I started doing that.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    Since I\'ve gotten my assortment of mones in the last couple of weeks, I\'ve tried a few different ones on each day. I always wondered about the \"build-up\" and if I should take a break. During my last week at work, I tried a number of different solo mone applications and only recently this weekend tried a (roll-on) mix of JB1. I\'m going to keep off the mones this week and try again this weekend. I exercise daily, enough to build up a nice sweat, then I shower after the workout. Wonder if this is enough to get a \'clean slate\' so to speak.

    Btw, right now, I can\'t smell anything really bad from the NPA or RM I have. I think the only thing I can smell is the alcohol in them. Also, after laying off the deodorant/antiperspirant stick for the last few weeks (used body spray instead), I\'ve noticed an increase in the sweaty BO smell especially during workout. Much in the same way as mones can build up, the use of deodorant every day can probably act the same way, especially in the armpits. It\'s been mentioned before but the (over?)use of fragrant soaps and deo/anti\'s probably does mask any natural mone production (however minute) by our own body.

    I plan on keeping a journal of my mones uses when I have time and have settled in to my new locale. Sounds like you did a great job keeping a record of your usage and experiences with them thus far!

  14. #14
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    Great! In your journal keep a record of what you wear each day, and then if you don\'t wear something, record the day so there isn\'t missing time and you will know your layoff.

    I suspect, as another forum member stated, that it could be the actually conversion of none (i don\'t really wear nol or rone) that screws up mixes? Why?

    Because if it was actual buildup, then my applications the next day would work as long as I just put on less. After experiementing with applying the same amount as the previous great day to just a dash of that amount, I found that it didn\'t really matter. Perhaps whatever none converts maybe be harmless by itself, but it interferes with the fresh application of none, turning the siginal sent as an indication of something different going on biologically. Remember, pheromones are basically biological signals.

    None may send X, but None on top of None Conversion may send Y. Y could be \"my body is rotting on the inside\" for all we know. Actually, the reactions tend to be neutral, similar to the neutral od applications or if a pheromone doesn\'t work on you (Alter Ego for me).

    If it was just a problem of buildup (and consequently ODing), couldn\'t you get the same results with lesser or slightly lesser applications the next day to compenstate for what you are already wearing?

    Didn\'t work for me. Thus I suspect none coversions are interfering.

  15. #15
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    I\'m with you on the -none conversions, except for two things; NPA isnt just -none, and I rarely just use -none so it\'s harder to judge.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    Great thought. Perhaps it is the secret ingredient conversion! Regular none doesn\'t seem to work as well on me, so I don\'t use PI much. The secret ingredients (half of npa and te) seem to do a lot of the work.

    Experts, please post on your thoughts on secret ingredient conversions. If Bruce or DrSmellthis can email Daryn from LaCroy on this, that would be appreciated.

  17. #17
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    Here is something on the subject I wrote in an email today. I think it applies to all pheromones including aNONE to some extent. The difference is just that aNONE is so strong smelling on its own (and maybe more stable as well), so you don\'t notice what is going on so much.

    After body heat hits pheros, they gradually morph into other things, which often don\'t smell too good. Hygiene is sometimes more important for the phero-cologne user than for others. Just like taking a shower to remove natural pheromones after they become a bit too \"ripe\", I generally look forward to washing off the store-bought pheros too. In particular I have noticed that if you put a small spray of Edge on each armpit first thing in the morning, you will really NEED a shower by the end of the day more than you would otherwise. I feel great all day, but by the time I get home in the evening, I want a hot shower. Others may not have that experience, but I do.

    There are probably hundreds of thousands of human pheromones in nature; some smell good and attract others, some smell bad and repel them.

    I have also advocated taking a break from pheromones for at least a day every week.


  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    Default Anecdote

    A few weeks ago I had an experience that was both bizarre and discomfiting. At the time I chuckled to myself that if the experience had happened the same day I had applied pheromones, I\'d be raving about their awesome power. But since the experience was apparently unrelated to pheromones, it was just extremely strange.

    Here\'s the background: On Sunday, July 13, 2003 at 10:25 am, I applied 3 drops WAGG, 3 drops A1, 2 sprays of civet (natural animal \'mone) and 1 spray of musk (natural animal \'mone). (Both civet and musk I got at some Italian site the URL of which I posted way back.)

    Sunday was uneventful. Monday was uneventful. Tuesday was uneventful until 5:58 pm, at which time it became very eventful. I was rushing to a 6:00 pm dentist appointment (it\'s a long story, don\'t ask). I was standing at a very busy street corner in midtown Manhattan. I am waiting for the light to turn green. I am amidst a large crowd of pedestrians, waiting alongside me. These are normal conditions for this corner at this time of day.

    My mind is totally fixated on getting to the building across the street in the next two minutes. I am wearing old blue jeans, dirty white sneakers, and a real old, rather tight, short-sleeved shirt. I am looking at the building across the street when I gradually become aware of the elderly woman in front of me. She is talking very quietly. This is a busy noisy streetcorner and I can barely hear her over the din of the traffic.

    But there is a method to her madness. She is talking softly because she doesn\'t want anyone but me to hear. \"Want to come up to my apartment and play? It\'s just 3 blocks from here. We could have a good time.\"

    I am rudely shaken from my concerns about the building across the street. I focus my eyes on this woman. Oh my god! She\'s old enough to be my mother. And since my grandmother, god bless her, is only 17 years older than my mother, this woman might be old enough to be my grandmother! She has the blond hair dye that white-haired elderly women like to use. She\'s in good shape. Like the vast majority of Manhattan women she is thin, and she is also rather tall. But her face! It\'s all wrinkled up! Is this a joke? What\'s going on here?

    Needless to say, this was my first experience of this kind in my life. I\'m a 47-year-old guy being propositioned by someone\'s grandmother in the middle of a busy streetcorner in midtown Manhattan. I am basically dumbfounded. I just mutter, \"No, no!\" But granny\'s not taking no for an answer.

    \"It\'s a real nice place. We\'ll have a real good time. C\'mon up. We\'ll be there in five minutes.\"

    I feel like I owe her some kind of explanation beyond \"no\" or \"you disgust me.\"

    \"Sorry, I\'ve got a dentist appointment right now.\"

    It\'s the truth and I figure I\'ll let her off gently. But, oh no, what have I got myself into now?

    \"Oh, getting work done on your teeth? That must be very expensive. If you need some money, I\'ll be glad to help. C\'mon up and I\'ll give it to you.\"

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] This is too much. Now I\'m really feeling self-conscious. Do I look that badly off? Sometimes at work I help out doing blue-collar type stuff, so I dress down. But do I really look like I need a handout?

    Granny\'s got me pretty shook up. Fortunately the light turns and I rush across 57th Street to my dentist\'s building. I tell my dentist about it and we both get a good laugh. I even told my wife and she asked, \"You sure she was really old?\"

    I\'ve thought a lot about that incident. There never was any reason, before this thread, for me to take up valuable space on Bruce\'s server with this. After all, I thought, this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience which, however unusual, sad, or humorous it may be, has nothing to do with pheromones.

    But now I wonder. Clearly Granny\'s modus operandi is to stake out busy midtown streetcorners and proposition hot young dudes, but, painful as it is for me to admit it, gorgeous studs like myself ( [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]) are a dime a dozen in the Big Apple. Why me, I keep asking, why, oh Lord, me? I\'ve worked in midtown for years in the past and nothing remotely akin to this has ever happened. Why now? Is it my receding hairline? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    Or, could it be . . . is it possible . . . just maybe . . . the \'mones I applied 55 hours and two showers earlier made me the most attractive bait for the seasoned, professional maneater.

    I\'ve used WAGG and A1 together in various combos before and since with rather lackluster results. Don\'t get me wrong. I don\'t view Granny\'s attempt to pay me for sex as a particular experience the frequency of which I would like to increase. But, since it is so unusual for me, I still have to ask, could it have been the \'mones?

    I\'ve never done that particular mix with the civet and musk again. I guess it\'s time to repeat it. Except now I will look for results long after the juice has been applied.

  19. #19
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anecdote

    All I have to say is [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Anecdote

    in my pherojournal there is one time where three days after the fact of heavy use i was getting looks from EVERY male who passed me on the platform. I hadn\'t used in three days.

    \"was getting ridiculous DIHls from every guy. Got one or two good ones from females. Amount of a lot of none from the daays before probably lowered a lot to a naturally high level. Really was getting eye contact from every guy, it was disturbin. Went to south street seaport\"

    I had used seven out of the past nine days and i was using not using minimal amounts. There were some other days where i was getting dihls a couple days after the fact.

    Your story was great, and don\'t think it had nothing to do with the pheromones, especially because you used so much. Your signature probably dwindled down to a believable but strong one. Or it was still too high for others to notice, but because she was old she picked up on it. I have often found that older women pickup on ODs better. Funny story thanks.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Anecdote

    All I can say is... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    That is just an amazing story. Someone suggested alcohol swabs to help remove the pheromones. I believe I\'ll be buying a package of them tomorrow! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Anecdote

    well, i stayed off pheromones for five/six days, and exfoliated (for the first time) and washed hard, used purrell anbd took steam showers, and looked for my results.

    I used my 3 dabs of npa, aloing with 6 dabs of apc as cover, and 2 drops of wagg and one inch of pcc.

    Well, it didn\'t work quite as well as the two weeks off, but i defintely had a good night. What messed it up was the hot subway made me sweat alot, and I was waiting for the train for 30 minutes, and the heat and bacteria made the pheromones convert pretty quickly. I\'d rate my nights with the two weeks off as a 9, and this one as a 7.8.

    In any case, I doubt I will be able to wear this mix two days in a row but thanks to drsmellthis for the sauna/exfoliation recommendation.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Anecdote

    Do all this pheromones conversion and build up apply only to none and nol products, or apply to copulins products like PCC as well?

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Anecdote

    pcc, wagg, that is a strange one. it is harder to tell whether they are actually at work, period, so i don\'t know if a) there is build up and conversion (which I assume there is) and b) if that inteferes with post applications.

    nevertheless, none is easier to OD on PCC is not, so it proabbly isn;t a worry.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    Ok, now I\'m THOROUGHLY PARANOID after reading this thread of posts~!!!!

    I\'ve only been using Pheromone products for about 3 weeks, with mostly good results. (The BEST \"good result\" being that my employer.......a usual JERK to deal with.....has been soooooo \"nice\" to me in the last several weeks, although he continues to bite the heads off the other women and they can\'t figure out why he\'s so nice to ME~! LOL)

    Just to tell you my usual \"recipe,\" I mixed the PI/w with some Juniper Berry SO and wear one or two drops of that, spread between my ears, inner elbows, wrists, neck, and wipe the excess in my hair. Then I roll on an inch or so of either PCC or PPA on my inner arms, behind my neck, and in my cleavage.

    That\'s what I\'ve been wearing EVERY day at work. And now you\'ve all successfully terrified me into wondering if people think I \"stink\" of if I\'ve OD\'d on anything. I shower once daily and sometimes more if I get really sweaty on busy days at work.

    What has scared me even MORE is that I\'ve just ordered the new NPA and am now terrified to use it after reading this [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] I ordered the NPA and EW and was going to try mixing just ONE or TWO drops (for starters) into various amounts of the SO\'s to see how it goes. But now I\'m scared to death.

    So....keep the helpful information coming, but don\'t forget us \"little people\" who are just starting out and who get scared very easily. (lol)

    I\'ll check back here after I go boil in a sauna for two days and exfoliate off a few layers of skin in the shower.......ROFLOL.

    LWQ [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

  26. #26
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I shower once daily and sometimes more if I get really sweaty on busy days at work.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Ok, I just read another post somewhere and need to add something else to my \"Post of Paranoia.\"

    Correct me if I\'m wrong, but it sounds like it is safest to shower FREQUENTLY when using mones and/or to be sure to shower BETWEEN applications??? Did I understand that correctly?

    Thanks again for your patience with me. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]

  27. #27
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    Don\'t get paranoid about your smell. Pheromone buildup won\'t be smellable after a shower. WHen I say OD, I mean in pheromone content, but it has nothing to do with smell, the smell starts from a clean slate everytime you shower with soap.

    Showering frequently and inbetween application helps to get rid of buildup. However, some experts learn to utilize buildup for day after effects that they can present, etc (e can get reactions 1-3 days after an app or so, depending on amount).

  28. #28
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    Default Re: My PheroJounral and Conclusion

    i have been using mones almost every single day since i got them...about 6 months now. hahahaaa. and now i finally read this post and realize maybe thats why i allllways get mixed results day after day. i think the day after effect is awesome, but strange though. maybe if i know that im going clubbing friday, i should apply thursday night. but regardless, im gonna take a break for 2 weeks and steam room my ass off everyday this week. clean slate. thanks guys.

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