
You dodged the question. If you believe mones are unethical, why are you using them? Your actions and

your statements are contraddictory. Or are your arguments wholly spurious?

Considering mones to be unethical is

akin to considering working out or dressing beyond your means to be unethical. All of them create impressions that

ARE NOT wholly on the concious level. Powerful techniques are taught in psycology to create rapport and lower

another person\'s resistance, are they unethical as well? None of them will force somebody into bed with you.

Using the same logic, a very glib guy talking a not so quick lady into bed would be unethical. Isn\'t it much more

unethical to buy somebody several drinks in an effort to seduce her? You are using drugs to circumvent her free

will. If she has already had several, her judgment is probably impaired to some degree. Just because alcohol is

socially acceptable does not mean that it is right. It certainly reduces the person\'s free choice far more than a

sober person being affected by mones would. Where would you like to draw the line?