Hi everyone,

I finally have something to post. I went out last night for the first time since I got my AE/w. I LOVE it. A

guy who hasn\'t talked to me in about five months kept staring at me and then came outside while I was smoking a

cigarette(stupid smoking ban)and asked me to come sit at the table with him and his friends. When I asked him why he

wanted to talk to me again, he said he just felt like he should.Another male friend of mine kept following me

around,he was always within 2ft of me no matter where I went in the bar.And another male friend kept trying to hug

me and put his arm around me and kept telling me how good I smelled.Even women who have never said more than hi to

me were talking to me. This stuff is incredible.I wore about five drops on my neck and chest. I also sprayed a

little TE/w in my hair and pcc on my neck as well. I just used my usual vanilla perfume as a cover. I can\'t wait

til my EW gets here so I can see how that works. Now the only question is should I use this power for good or
